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  1. Alex88

    CFL´s through all cycles/ bud yield?

    Its a supernooby setup, plus I aint livin by myself so i cant do whatever I want with the spaces ive got. I´ll post some pics later tonight, my camera is charging. ill check their thread, thanks for all the answers dude!
  2. Alex88

    CFL´s through all cycles/ bud yield?

    acutal wattage 250
  3. Alex88

    CFL´s through all cycles/ bud yield?

    Ive got three under a wattage of that way too low? I will be happy with an ounce of each btw. theyre about 20 days now looking a bit skinny thou..but i figured i will be supervropping them soon. any tips?
  4. Alex88

    CFL´s through all cycles/ bud yield?

    looks awesome! I figured it would be way smaller yield. how many plants did u have under there? and did u flower them one by one or all at the same time?
  5. Alex88

    CFL´s through all cycles/ bud yield?

    Hey guys. I would like to see what kins of bud yield youve got from cfls throughout all cycles.. I have a hps but for various reasons its a bit riskier than cfls, I would wanna see you can successfully grow nice bud yield with jst cfls. answers and pics much appreciated!
  6. Alex88

    different lighting in 24/0 experience

    Allright thanks! I suspected that...but I had been searching in the forums and hadnt found any thread that covered this. I´ll switch to 18/6 tonight, theyre about 20 days old now. thanks for the answer!
  7. Alex88

    different lighting in 24/0 experience

    The power isnt a problem, I´m wondering if anyone has had any effects when having the plant in 24/0 but in different spectrums. like I said i have hps-lights about 9 hours or so, and thats a warmer light from the cfl´s which i have them under the rest of the day...
  8. Alex88

    different lighting in 24/0 experience

    Hey guys, im a newbie and for various reasons I have my darlings under cfls maybe 15 hours and the rest under hps. Does this effect the plant in any negative way? or positive? I figured that I´d let them get as much light as possible...I dont have access to the hps 24/7... help appreciated!