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  1. hubebaba

    The Bubblehead Showcase

    Last time I trimmed too much I guess, cuz all the buds were w/o stems to hang (see picture). Tasted like very high though. I cut the big leaves off this time, but didn't trim "around" the buds - so I coud hang them (have 18 stems hanging). Do I go ahead & trim as much as I can now...
  2. hubebaba

    The Bubblehead Showcase

    The 4 main colas from one plant. One more plant should be ready any time. The other 2 still look a week or so away.
  3. hubebaba

    The BubbleHead Gang

    The 4 main colas from one plant. One more plant should be ready any time. The other 2 still look a week or so away.
  4. hubebaba

    Roseman's DIY Bubbleponics Tutorial

    Very helpful! What a guy! Hippy Thanksgiving!
  5. hubebaba

    The BubbleHead Gang

    Happy Thanksgiving to ALL!
  6. hubebaba

    The Bubblehead Showcase

    Thanks... yeah, I have troubles with the macro, practiing tho.
  7. hubebaba

    The Bubblehead Showcase

    The oldest girls are getting close! 8 weeks of flowering
  8. hubebaba

    The BubbleHead Gang

    The oldest girls are getting close! 8 weeks of flowering
  9. hubebaba

    The Bubblehead Showcase

    Hi everyone! Nice growing going on gang. Mine dont quite compare, but I'm still learning. Things are going better this time around! Pic1-4 8 weeks fllowering Pic5 10 days 12/12 (no buds yet) Pic6 6 weeks veg Pic7 8 days from seed (THC bomb) High hopes!
  10. hubebaba

    The BubbleHead Gang

    Does anyone have a closeup of a bud/trichs on harvest day? Pretty sure I harvested too early last time, don't want a repeat of that.
  11. hubebaba

    The BubbleHead Gang

    So sorry to hear that ! That totally SUX! Hope you can get going (growing) again soon.
  12. hubebaba

    The BubbleHead Gang

    What happened????
  13. hubebaba

    The Bubblehead Showcase

    Thanks Roseman, somesday my plants will look as good as yours do. I will just keep on trying!
  14. hubebaba

    The Bubblehead Showcase

    First pic - Tub on right is 6 weeks into flower. Left tub just went into 12/12. Second pic is 4 clones, will move to 12/12 when tub on right (1st pic) is harvested (3-4 weeks)
  15. hubebaba

    You are almost my next door neighbor! (Also Tri-Cities)

    You are almost my next door neighbor! (Also Tri-Cities)
  16. hubebaba

    First Bubbletronic Grow - Late Start

    Quick update! The 4 oldest girls are great, 25 days into flower. Their 8 clones have really grown since FINALLY rooting a couple of weeks ago. Not sure if they shoud be considered 9 weeks or 2 weeks old! Pic 1 The Girls (2 caramelicious & 2 "free seed") Pics 2, 3, 4, 5 their baby buds Pic 6...
  17. hubebaba

    First Bubbletronic Grow - Late Start

    8 weeks old and they FINALLY have roots! Incredible, was gonna give them until Friday, cuz I got the new seeds I ordered (Whie Widow, Ice. THC Bomb, Crystal & Aphgan/Mazur - 10 each). I told the clones Monday their days were numbered, and wham! Am I supposed to start a new thread for each...
  18. hubebaba

    The BubbleHead Gang

    Cool, thanks a bunch!
  19. hubebaba

    The BubbleHead Gang

    Thanks, trying to make a drying cabinet for next harvest. Will have 4 times the bud, no where to dry. Humidity in my Veg room is 50 - 65, flower room is 45 - 55. Both are too high for drying, and new box would be similar I think.
  20. hubebaba

    First Bubbletronic Grow - Late Start

    I tried to make a dome - musta did it wrong, almost lost them all, dd lose some. Any cheap suggestions? This medicine growing is expensive.