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  1. hubebaba

    First Bubbletronic Grow - Late Start

    05-11 Added the second light yesterday and covered the rockwool with the hydroton rocks. Thank you to The Ph is still running at 7. I dont understand that ...I keep using the Ph down and it doesnt stay down...
  2. hubebaba

    First Bubbletronic Grow - Late Start

    05-06 - 5-10 A (the first plant pic) is doing very well. Her sister C (the caramelicious) is also doing great. The stepsister so far (B, the 2nd pic), is just starting to peek through. I tried the nutes today. I mixed a half bag of micro and half bag veg packets in a jug, and put half of that in...
  3. hubebaba

    First Bubbletronic Grow - Late Start

    I suppose I should have started a thread right away, but to be honest, I NEVER thought I could actually do this (major black thumb). Figured I would wait until things were farther along, and it is all so exciting I forgot! I keep a pretty good journal on my PC, so I can back-track. I had read A...
  4. hubebaba


    Water temps are 72-77, lower when ice is added. The roots have gotten a bit slimy, but they dont seem to break off (didn't pull 'em). It is just some lower leaves dying, but entire plant is droopy.
  5. hubebaba


    I am wondering why my roots are turning brown and I have a few leaves turning yellowish brown with brown spots ... what would you suggest ? I do have a bubbletronics unit and my plants are a lil over 5 wks of age