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  1. leesus

    seedling disease?

    Anyone? The seedling is now dying. Starting to slump the other is starting to die. I had faith in the true leaves coming and fixing it but it seems there is no hope. I cut the spot off. Hopefully the morning will have better news. No one has ever seen this? Anyone? All the other seedlings...
  2. leesus

    seedling disease?

    The spot on top is weird and the bottom of the leaf is brown. Feminized white widow. I believe it had some permits on top when coming up. Never seen this before this was my only good seed Update * that whole leaf is now dead. It never had a chance nothing was done different I'm thinking this is...
  3. leesus

    coco coir. 5.0 goes in 7.0 comes out. ?

    Hey. Distilled water 5.0 pH goes in. Check runoff 7.0 comes out. PPM is 0-10 did an 8 gallon flush with distilled pH 5.0 water. Curiosity is killing me. Help please. Feminized White widow ready to be planted.
  4. leesus

    How About This Coco Coir??

    i have had alot of trouble finding the right media and setup, started at DWC, then DTW peat/perlite now im at coco coir and dont want to spend 19$ to ship a 3$ brick.. no hydro stores locally so i found this at a pet store as it was suggested in a former thread (not brand specific) to sum it all...
  5. leesus

    peat moss / perlite Help

    I see, even though there is no nutrients in the medium but just the water? You have me curious lol And I did get new pots xD
  6. leesus

    peat moss pH is 7??? help

    So why does soil need a higher pH? O.o
  7. leesus

    peat moss pH is 7??? help

    What if I can't get it below 7? No matter what i do it goes back to 7. Someone told me 7 is fine for this medium and grow. Is this true?
  8. leesus

    peat moss pH is 7??? help

    Anyone? I thought this was a soil less grow. So do I need pH for hydro or for soil? Why are they different?
  9. leesus

    peat moss / perlite Help

    I just don't understand how it can be any different from going through soil and sticking to the bottom of the pot or going through hydroton to the bottom of the pot. Either way it gets there right? Or am I missing something? I just know the rocks help the peat moss from stopping up the little...
  10. leesus

    peat moss pH is 7??? help

    I have organic peat moss and Perlite. Every single thing I read says pH is low between 4 and 5... mine is 6.5-7.5. I'm using pH water to rinse it that is around 5.8. I'm so confused.. do I need aluminum sulfate or dolomite lime to buffer it??
  11. leesus

    peat moss / perlite Help

    Is this in the water or the medium?
  12. leesus

    peat moss / perlite Help

    Also I'm using AN pH perfect grow/micro/bloom trio. Will this not keep the pH correct?? Does it adjust the pH of the medium or the water I'm putting it in?
  13. leesus

    peat moss / perlite Help

    Man you are awesome. The way you answered about the hydroton I said "this is my guy" haha and it got better as I went on this is the exact info I needed. Now. 50/50 peat/perlite sound good? Should I mix it and let it set a few days testing the pH and moisture? Then add in lime and perlite to...
  14. leesus

    peat moss / perlite Help

    Thanks alot I found at local garden store today. I believe it was an aluminum solfate?? Will this work to lower ph? Do you guys think this is a successful medium? What pre mixed soilless are you using?
  15. leesus

    peat moss / perlite Help

    Even tho I'm doing a soil less grow? I thought the lime raised the low pH of peat moss? Is this a pH buffer or?.. I want to do a soil less grow I want all the nutes it gets to be fed by me. Anyone else doing soil less?
  16. leesus

    peat moss

    My ph is at 6.5-7.. can't get it down
  17. leesus

    First time grower in Grow tent

    Nice man, how is that miracle grow hydrate?? I have started to get it twice but I was afraid it had nutrients in it. Is this considered a DTW system? I am doing this myself and wondered if I could use that MG hydrate and extra perlite for a DTW system.. thanks for any advice
  18. leesus

    peat moss / perlite Help

    Got this locally for 9.99. (Rare find in a very rural area)What should I do to get the PH of it right? It's stays at 6.5 to 7 with a 50/50 mix and a 70/30 mix. How much perlite would you use? So for a soil less grow all I need is this and perlite? Vermiculite? I found some from the same company...
  19. leesus

    Grow Locker / advice

    Bump :( I got 8 23 watt cfl 6500k 1600 lumens each. Gonna get another 8 when plant sprouts.