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  1. QueenBee

    Large white seed found in main stem?

    Look everyone I left a tomato in my grow room and it must have pollinated my females coz I got these weird seeds that makes plants that grow weed AND tomatoes! Look at my picture! Isnt it amazing?!
  2. QueenBee

    Large white seed found in main stem?

    What the hell does a picture of a random plant prove?! I cant believe people are so gullible!
  3. QueenBee

    Large white seed found in main stem?

    What a load of BS, I cant believe this guy is actually getting people to believe him! Its defo more possible to grow shrooms on your bollocks or whatever the feck you were on about!
  4. QueenBee

    Auto White Russian (White widow, AK47, Lowryder) grow with CFLs

    I hear y'all but it isnt just a bit retarded its a lot! I do have a bit more hope now, there might be a chance the second set of leaves are trying to come thru, like I said no harm in leaving it for a while so we'll see. I thought W was a boy but now I think I see a hair so Im not sure if the...
  5. QueenBee

    Diesel Ryder/Snowryder Stealth Grow

    Sweeet! :D
  6. QueenBee

    Auto White Russian (White widow, AK47, Lowryder) grow with CFLs

    I cant make out whats happening in there - bits of brown, knobbly little bits. Theres no harm leaving it in there to see but Im 99.9% sure its gunna die. And the 0.1% of hope is that it will grow to a retarded pathetic little plant so probably best to not get attached!
  7. QueenBee

    Auto White Russian (White widow, AK47, Lowryder) grow with CFLs

    The first pic is of the retarded seedling - total gonner. The second is the other Mix seedling - Star, that seems to be doing OK. The third pic is the two that are a bit crinkly and twisted, Ive just flushed some water through them. Then all of them together. I havnt given them any nutes yet so...
  8. QueenBee

    Auto White Russian (White widow, AK47, Lowryder) grow with CFLs

    Some very interesting things from both of you! I think I will have to go further afield next time for my compost. The seedling isnt big enough to look like that pic, its just a tiny seedling and cant even get started, theres nothing to work with! Although a couple of my WRs have the wobbly...
  9. QueenBee

    Auto White Russian (White widow, AK47, Lowryder) grow with CFLs

    Maybe Homebase, but the nearest is stupid Focus which is sh*t. By too hot do you mean too many nutes? Or wrong pH? Maybe next time or for repotting I can find another compost but theyll have to make do for now coz its all Ive got! What would you recommend (that doesnt cost the earth!)?
  10. QueenBee

    Auto White Russian (White widow, AK47, Lowryder) grow with CFLs

    Miracle grow, I dont have a big budget and the shops round here dont have much choice! It probably wouldnt show up on my phone camera, just you know how the first set of leaves start coming up, well only one side started growing and the other side was just like bits of mess where the plant...
  11. QueenBee

    250W Envirolite diesel ryder grow

    Ive read, and I agree, that chopping off the fan leaves will do more harm than good. Even if the big leaves are covering flowering parts that leaf will still be able to make food which it can send to where the plant needs it. If you cut leaves off you are not only reducing its ability to make...
  12. QueenBee

    Auto White Russian (White widow, AK47, Lowryder) grow with CFLs

    Ok maybe Ill leave that area alone then! My Mix seedling # has f*cked up, the first set of true leaves are all deformed and not working. So thats that one gone. Star has a tiny bit of the end of one of her first leaves missing as well (just the end tip, nothing major I hope) so Im not...
  13. QueenBee

    Auto White Russian (White widow, AK47, Lowryder) grow with CFLs

    Are feminised seeds made by using the pollen off a hermie? Might have totally got my wires crossed on that one, if I do can someone tell me how they are made?! Been wondering for ages
  14. QueenBee

    First Grow - Lowryder #2 ( Santa Maria ) Take 2

    If thats really what they are then thats awesome, lady luck must be on your side!
  15. QueenBee

    Hmmm123's lowryder2, cfl, grow.

    I think 3 would be pushing it and they wouldnt reach an oz each. Maybe 5 under 2 125w might be kinda OK? I did 3 under a 250w and a 125w and got 3/4 to an oz off each plant. I think 4 wouldve been OK under those 2.
  16. QueenBee

    5x white budda lowryder's, 1x mixed lowryder

    Well theyre coming along nicely! Have you got the big CFL yet? A 200w red one should do you great. Ive never done anything about pH either but this time round I plan on regular flushing just to get rid of bad build ups which im hoping will help keep the pH good.
  17. QueenBee

    My CFL Lowryder 2 grow - first grow!

    Theres pics of the finished bud just down there tho! Speaking of which, I thought Id put somepics of the bud up before I smoke it all! C seemed to be the most crystally. Pics are A without flash x 2, A with flash, C without flash, C with flash, G without flash, G with flash. The bud doesnt...
  18. QueenBee

    Auto White Russian (White widow, AK47, Lowryder) grow with CFLs

    Im no expert in nutes or hydro Im afraid - I gave my last lot tomato plant food! Maybe someone else around here will have some advice...? Anyone...?!
  19. QueenBee

    250W Envirolite diesel ryder grow

    Is there a just a regular room you could put the male in where it could maybe sit by a window? I just think you'd need to let it developlong enough for the pollen to be viable but if you do that in the grow room the balls would start popping. If you leave it in there til its got some fairly...
  20. QueenBee

    250W Envirolite diesel ryder grow

    Let it mature in a seperate room then when the balls start opening up put some paper or something under the ball bundles and tap to get the pollen out onto the paper. Or similar