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  1. QueenBee

    Auto White Russian (White widow, AK47, Lowryder) grow with CFLs

    Opening the door and me breathing on them is all they get, if I keep the cupboard door open theyll get too cold again. U and T (the youngest WR) seem to be growing more and look healthy but I think ones a boy and the other one has no sex at all yet, after 4 weeks, its rediculous. And X is...
  2. QueenBee

    Hmmm123's lowryder2, cfl, grow.

    Ive just started doing that to get them warmer. Ive got purple stems too. I think the cold is seriously screwing up my grow. Either that or I just had beginners luck first time round :/
  3. QueenBee

    Auto White Russian (White widow, AK47, Lowryder) grow with CFLs

    No. The fresh air is cold :(
  4. QueenBee

    Lowryder Dwarf Mix HPS & CFL Grow

    Potter fan? lol I love it
  5. QueenBee

    Auto White Russian (White widow, AK47, Lowryder) grow with CFLs

    Dont need a timer anymore, I keep the 125w dual on all the time and turn the other 2 off for about 5 1/2 hours while Im at work. Im trying not to open the cupboard as often to keep the heat in and 3 lights get it nice and warm. It seems to be helping but maybe its coz Im not checking them as...
  6. QueenBee

    Lowlife seeds auto mix pack grow

    Looks like youre gunna have some real nice bud soon :D
  7. QueenBee

    Auto White Russian (White widow, AK47, Lowryder) grow with CFLs

    They get 5 hours of dark now. It would be easier leaving at least one on as well coz its been hard keeping the 19/5 schedule now Im back at work and have no timer. I think I might try it. And this new lot of DRs will be getting the 24/0 light from the beginning so at least it wouldnt shock them...
  8. QueenBee

    Auto White Russian (White widow, AK47, Lowryder) grow with CFLs

    Ive got a halogen heater but its either off or on - no temperature control. Urgent question, please offer advice: Would it be worth leaving my 125w CFL on 24/7 for a bit of heat constantly? Or would changing the light cycle now screw them up? Coz the heater is 400w on the lowest setting and...
  9. QueenBee

    Auto White Russian (White widow, AK47, Lowryder) grow with CFLs

    Ok now Xs stem is going purple. For god sake! Everythings going wronggggg :cry:
  10. QueenBee

    Auto White Russian (White widow, AK47, Lowryder) grow with CFLs

    Yea I think the cold is the problem, hopefully going to get a heater in there today. X was droopy for a while, she seems better after repotting tho. Planted the remaining 6 DR seeds as I only got 1 seedling out of the first 4 I planted. Damn cold!
  11. QueenBee

    Auto White Russian (White widow, AK47, Lowryder) grow with CFLs

    Ive made seeds before and havnt got any of the seeds to germinate so far so Im not so keen on getting seeds in the bud this time. Anyway, things are still a bit sh*t. I repotted X today but shes looking curled under and isnt throwing out many pistils. Im hoping the repotting will help. I got...
  12. QueenBee

    Auto White Russian (White widow, AK47, Lowryder) grow with CFLs

    Oh thats cool, thanks! X doesnt have that many pistils yet, I think they are being slow, but shes still growing. Im hoping to get some nute-free compost and then give her bloom nutes to help her flower. As long as shes healthy at the mo. And yes I am in awe of retard! Hats off to it!
  13. QueenBee

    Auto White Russian (White widow, AK47, Lowryder) grow with CFLs

    Thanks! The link to your grow didnt work tho :? Well I was going to complain about how slow its going but looking at the pics of X (first 2 pics) shes doing OK. But now I think Y is a boy :cry: (top left of third pic). So only the 2 smallest WRs to show. One girl out of 5 so far :shock...
  14. QueenBee

    Lowlife seeds auto mix pack grow

    As long as its the big fan leaves dying and not the bud you should be OK. My best yielder had dying leaves towards the end, they looked more diseased than yellowing tho. But my plant still did good!
  15. QueenBee

    Lowlife seeds auto mix pack grow

    Thats weird I was just going to post you a link to dangreens grow coz his have yellow leaves and he doesnt seem too worried! Maybe not quite as many... Lol anyway Im sure he knows what hes talking about so...
  16. QueenBee

    Lowlife seeds auto mix pack grow

    Aw dude, they dont look too good. That looks more like deficiency than nute burn right? But the pH can effect nute uptake so that might be the prob. Id wait for a more knowledgeable person to give some advice but in the meantime I would think flushing would be good. I wouldnt cut the leaves off...
  17. QueenBee

    Organic Lowryd2, Deisel Ryder, AK, AK/Hindu Grow

    600 hps, got it! Not far to look! Only other thing Id say is dont cut any more leaves off! The leaves make food for the plant wherever they are, whether theyre covering buds or not, and I dont think the Autos react well to any sort of chopping (leaves or fimming). Going well tho!
  18. QueenBee

    Organic Lowryd2, Deisel Ryder, AK, AK/Hindu Grow

    Theyre lovely and bushy! These look way bigger than mine, what lights are you using? Ill go have a look through your journal now, just incase I dont get v far! Ive got some Diesels waiting to pop up, Ive seen great things from them so cant wait! Nice work! :)
  19. QueenBee

    Auto White Russian (White widow, AK47, Lowryder) grow with CFLs

    This pic is a comparison with my Lowryders 2s at the same age, look at the difference! Its crazy! If anything the Lowryders a bit younger than X is now. I can believe the LRs got that big that quick!
  20. QueenBee

    Auto White Russian (White widow, AK47, Lowryder) grow with CFLs

    Ok so Im doing another update coz Im bored and things have gone very quiet around here! Today is X day 26 (girl) Y day 19 T day 16 U day 15 * and retard day 9 Z, W and V are boys and are out from under the light ready to be killed when I can bring myself to do it. Y might be a girl, Im...