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  1. Drlovekek

    Need help with a perpetual harvest.

    Well, i dont know, im starting at this right now, first of all, lets choose the method, im thinking about a scrog for that truly yielding, but dont have any experience. In my space i was thinking bout six 17L pots for dont having to vegetate longer than 7 weeks. I dont know if thats possible...
  2. Drlovekek

    Need help with a perpetual harvest.

    Hey people ! Ive got two tents, the first 120x120x200, and the second its divide in two parts, the bottom part for growing mothers or vegetative plants and the top part what is for clones, this tent is 100x80x200. Well i want to do a perpetual harvest, but i dont know how to do it, i only know...
  3. Drlovekek

    Nutrient Burn or Nitro Toxicity? Twisted leaves and curling down.

    Thans both for the advice i think u both were on the right thing, ive flushed today and give him after that some water with EC 0.7 PH 5.8 The girls had turn on a lighter green not that dark of the photos. Lets see how they go on this days, they are 25cm tall, in a few days they will go into...
  4. Drlovekek

    Nutrient Burn or Nitro Toxicity? Twisted leaves and curling down.

    Okk i was thinking on it too for this few next days. But do u know whats happening with them? Cause i want to know whats the problem and identificate it faster in a future. Thanks for the advice :D
  5. Drlovekek

    Nutrient Burn or Nitro Toxicity? Twisted leaves and curling down.

    Hey all ive saw in this past days that my little girls some of the new leaves were a bit twisted or wrinkled and only one of the girls had some burn tips in a pair of leaves. Also they had purple stems.They were clones when a friend give them to me, theyve have been veggin 2 weeks in my room...