Nutrient Burn or Nitro Toxicity? Twisted leaves and curling down.


Hey all ive saw in this past days that my little girls some of the new leaves were a bit twisted or
wrinkled and only one of the girls had some burn tips in a pair of leaves. Also they had purple stems.They were clones when a friend give them to me, theyve have been veggin 2 weeks in my room.
Well ill tell you how i treated them :
Temps between 17º- 25º
Humidity between 58%- 67%
Grow Medium. Coco mixed with 20% Perlite
Water: The past day that ive saw this problems were watered with:
Calmag till 0.4 EC
Roots Excelurator H&G 0,3mlxL
Pro Silicate Grotek 0.5mlxL
Bio Essentials GHE 3mlxL
Canna Coco A+B till raising EC 1.2
Water: After seeing the problems in the plant i give them this:
Calmag till 0.4 EC
Roots Excelurator H&G 0,3mlxL
Pro Silicate Grotek 0.5mlxL
CannaZym 2.5mlxL
Canna Coco A+B till raise an EC of 0.8
Ive also added reciently a pair of 2L bottles of homemade co2 with yeast and sugar, i dont know if that could hurt them while vegging.
Theyve been sprayed 2 times with potasic soap, one each week.
And i think thats all the info that i can give.
Ive posted some images, I hope the quality is good
Lets see if we all can find what its the problem please.



Well-Known Member
Just give them plain water for awhile they will improve! Don't over analyze it. Its just a weed. Don't spray the leaves with anything just water around the base. In an indoor setup that will fry the leaves.


Okk i was thinking on it too for this few next days.
But do u know whats happening with them? Cause i want to know whats the problem and identificate it faster in a future.
Thanks for the advice :D


Well-Known Member
The stems could be from cold temps with lights out or cal mag deficiency which only requires a dose (tablespoon) of epson salts per gallon of water which you can buy @ any drugstore or Walmart!


Well-Known Member
1.2 ec is too much for those size plants. Truncheon puts that at 840ppm or something. I run full sized plants at 840 if watering everyday with food. (6ft) also doesnt cannazyme shed old roots? You can usually wait on that for the first three four weeks itll save you some money. Id be running half of what your ppm is right now with these girls. Leaves are shiney and looking like they want to start showing burn on the sides of the leaves. Ya run extra water, twice, and then start feeding half is my advice.


Thans both for the advice i think u both were on the right thing, ive flushed today and give him after that some water with EC 0.7 PH 5.8
The girls had turn on a lighter green not that dark of the photos. Lets see how they go on this days, they are 25cm tall, in a few days they will go into flowering :DD
Thkss for all !