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  1. sacpirate

    need help with my deathstar!!!!!

    i feed at full strength all the time(not every time) bro and other than a slight tip burn (occasionally on on my fan leaves that are trash come harvest) i have no issues. But then again my clones get 350_400 ppm after rooting so they are use too the strong food. My hydro ressy runs at 1500ppm or...
  2. sacpirate

    Yellow leaves!

    its hungry bubba. also if im not mistaken i see sum evidence of spider mite eggs feeding on ur leaves. hope im wrong about urs but little white spots are the first sign of a outbreak.
  3. sacpirate

    Best Additive?

    purple max is a scam lol but gravity, bushmaster and crystal burst are all gtg. Ive found shooting powder to be as effective in my last sour patch kids grow in soil. 6 got gravity and 6 got shooting product was nearly identical
  4. sacpirate

    Best Additive?

    even cheaper when u foilar feed only with it. ssu is best as a foilar spray and only increases potential tch sites. not much of a growth booster like the poster is looking for. dont get me wrong i use it weeky but not essential as an additives
  5. sacpirate

    need help with my deathstar!!!!!

    the more foliage uhave the more food it requires. i would remove any damaged leaves and anything that look like it might produce an airry nug. leave about top 15_18" of growth and remove the rest. then give it a real strng dosage of full strenght or 85% at lowest. this will focus...
  6. sacpirate

    Best Additive?

    liquid karma is a great additive. its made by botanicare and contain see kelp and humic acids. good for use with any fertilizer program and is used till late bloom in all my gardens. in late bloom i like shooting powder by house n garden. these simple additives will take any basic program to...
  7. sacpirate

    Day 44 of 12/12 Day 74 from seed....still not a lot of amber hairs????? New Pics!

    yes it will get bigger as well as get more crystals. try a packet of shooting powder if u can afford it. you will see substantial grow acceleration within a few days of use. I do first dosage at half strength nutes and half strength shooting powder for a week then full strength powder but 1/4...
  8. sacpirate

    Day 44 of 12/12 Day 74 from seed....still not a lot of amber hairs????? New Pics!

    looks like a 70-80 day sativa to me. the hairs will begin to turn around week 6-7 and finish in week 10-11. just try to be patient bud.
  9. sacpirate

    Yellow leaves still day 68 lotsa pics

    DITCH THE 20-20-20 and get sumthing tailored for mmj bro. just looking at the dosing diff of 6ml/5l for house plants vs 4ml/1l in the garden plant section of directions tell me the nutes are your problem. House plants are slow growing plants not needing much food do to the slow growth. mmj...
  10. sacpirate

    2 weeks into flowering and I think I have mites .,..

    u have time still and lots of it actually. First step is to move all infected plants into ur shower and spray down with cold as water as this will cause the bugs to be stunned and remain so for a while. Next empty ur room and spray everything down with a good bleach solution and wipe the walls...
  11. sacpirate

    flushed and went to hell

    looks more like a deficiency to me rather than nute burn. believe it or not alot of reputable fertilizer companies actually put the proper dosage on their feed schedule. if you only do 50-60% strength then eventually ur plant will lack in micro nutrients as it seems to be now. try a few full...
  12. sacpirate

    Bushdoctor Kangaroots and Microbe Brew

    chlorine burns off in 24-48 hours. keep a 5gallon bucket with an air stone and u will always have good water on hand. Obviously if u have a large grow a larger reservoir is needed. Another alternative is a dechlorinating solution from a fish store. I use both but i have several aquariums so its...
  13. sacpirate

    2 outta 6 plants show sex, others stubborn.

    my only other guess is u have sativa plants and they have a very long transition phase. i personally wont flower plants till they show sex in veg....usually around 24-32". mabye try sum bushmaster or sumthing else with paclobutrazol (im sure i misspelled that). It will help with earlier flower...
  14. sacpirate

    Yellow leaves still day 68 lotsa pics

    lol a 15$ ppm meter....not 665$. ill blame the og for that haha
  15. sacpirate

    Yellow leaves still day 68 lotsa pics

    a 665$ ppm meter coould very well be ur issue. buy a meter by hanna and while you are at it buy sum general hyro nutes or for a small grow like that i like "player packs" by root organics. they have a few to choose from and at 75% strength they should last the rest of your grow. Its like 55-60$...
  16. sacpirate

    HELP! LST'D Northern Lights Leaves Turning Yellow! *PICS*

    your plant is feeding on the nitrogen stored in the leaves causing them to turn yellow as nitrogen is depleted. give it sugar just makes it worse as does feeding it anything without nitrogen. personally i think a big of nutrient burn on fan leaves is WAY better tHan dying yellow leave falling...
  17. sacpirate

    Yellow leaves still day 68 lotsa pics

    300ppm could be to low my man. u are starving ur plants. i occasionally have this problem with my mother plants. i try to feed them as little as possible so they dont get to big as my space is limited. try a few watering of 600ppm or more and make sure uhave a good micro nutrient to supplement...
  18. sacpirate

    Seedling has stopped growing?

    u could simply be over watering. let the cup/pot get really dry an remember u only need to feed the roots at this stage. add sum micro madness or organism xl after things dry out and its time to water again.
  19. sacpirate

    1000W HPS or 600W HPS for my new 5'X5'X7' Gorilla Grow Tent?

    if supplementing with led u can get away with the 600. You gotta get an air cooled hood regardless and a cheap duct fan from home depot to suck that hot air out. you can keep those air cooled hoods very close to ur plants...almost touching them to be honest. i have 3 4x4 tents so i can probably...