need help with my deathstar!!!!!


Well-Known Member
im a newbie at growing and need some help here. i grown a couple outdoors but this is the first
indoor plant i have done. she is about almost 4 weeks into flowering.leaves are turning yellow and
dieing off and leaves around the bud sites are small and deformed sort of. im using 400w hps, i
used miracle grow for soil which i herd was not a good choice so transplanted to some better soil.
that was like a long time ago though. i havent really given it nutes at all.i also believe i forced
flowered this one then i put it back to veg, i dont think that matters now but i stresses her out alot
i believe.
the pics sorry about
the light switch.



Active Member
the more foliage uhave the more food it requires. i would remove any damaged leaves and anything that look like it might produce an airry nug. leave about top 15_18" of growth and remove the rest. then give it a real strng dosage of full strenght or 85% at lowest. this will focus all the energy to the buds in the sweet spot of the light and taking away any competition between flowers for light or energy.


Well-Known Member
Do NOT give any full strength feeding. Do so and face likely nutrient lockout. You don't go from zero to 100.


Active Member
i feed at full strength all the time(not every time) bro and other than a slight tip burn (occasionally on on my fan leaves that are trash come harvest) i have no issues. But then again my clones get 350_400 ppm after rooting so they are use too the strong food. My hydro ressy runs at 1500ppm or more. Its all about balance.