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  1. sacpirate

    new bulbs

    its like u refuse to comprehend the answers to questions u ask kid. get sum fucking 5000 k bulbs or a mixture of 500/2700. yes for flower yes for veg yes for for fuck sake. geeze dude u really have to take 5 minutes to stop and listen or in this case read. do u want them to grow the shit for u...
  2. sacpirate

    How suspicious?

    yeah wat he said lol
  3. sacpirate

    new bulbs

    u might as well explain why lol. i think he looks at spetrum numbers without understanding that a 5000k wont omit colors a 2700 will and vice versa.
  4. sacpirate

    My first grow

    it needs time to reveg not forbthe roots to catch up. its 3-4" tall kid not a mammo clone wiyh no roots and dying foliage. dont listen to a thing this guy says as he is as new as u are. leave ur light on 24 hours a day for 30-45 days at least or pike a post above says...get another clone. hell...
  5. sacpirate

    Do they look ready to flower?!!

    that depends on ur strain. indicas tend to strech far less if at all some sativia strech for 20-30 days. regardless id top one to see how the strain responds.
  6. sacpirate

    Do they look ready to flower?!!

    my bad they look like homer buckets from home depot lol. good luck girl and if space is an issue then flip them girls
  7. sacpirate

    Help...cannot get rid of spidermites

    remove any infected leaves including ones with eggs. its late enough in flower to do so without ruining the final product. this will however rob the plant of any stored food in those leaves so watch for deficiency. next take plants out of tent if u havent and spray the entire tent down with an...
  8. sacpirate

    Best Strainer for Cannabutter

    we get hallucination stories to but the best is when our insomnia patients tell us they can finall get 6-8 hours a night off 1/20 of our 20 dose strength stuff. check it
  9. sacpirate

    Do they look ready to flower?!!

    thats alot of bucket for sum little plants. u could feed/water more frequently in a #1 smart pot...
  10. sacpirate

    Best Strainer for Cannabutter

    also worth mentioning...if u make ur butter strong enough to use it at 1/4 strength u can put yummy yellow butter in the other 3/4 the recipe call for. makes for a much better tasting product with sacrificing taste.
  11. sacpirate

    Best Strainer for Cannabutter

    here ya go guys step by step as we do in our Ganja Goodies kitchen grind up ur meds in a food processor melt desired amount of butter add meds to butter add water to the mix to its ez to stir freely and nothing feels stuck together simmer on lo heat for an hour, stiring every 3-5 minutes...
  12. sacpirate

    Start flush? HELP

    not much history with AN but ive used thr full roots organics line with ok results anf the soul synthetic line also be roots and i must say the synthetic killed it the one time i used it but its to pricey for me and not available everywhere. im grtting ready to run the sugar peak line in my...
  13. sacpirate

    This Grow is Everything To Me (Expert Growers Please Help)

    get a liquid ph test kit they are 5$ and need no calibrating. at ph 7.5 ur girls will struggle but live and grow slowly. get it below 6 asap.
  14. sacpirate

    Start flush? HELP

    also i said plain water for 14-17 days not 14-17 of flushing. I feed the shit outta my plants sometime over 1500ppm so with that kinda nutes in the soil, plain water for as long as i do causes the plant to use all the left over nutes in the soil rather than just flushing them away.
  15. sacpirate

    Start flush? HELP

    my hydro takes up water much faster than my soil grow is my main reason i suppose. my hydro is top fed 4" cubes in2 gallon smart pots with hydroton base and my soil is usually 3 or 5 gallons smart pots so i believe the larger soil pots retain more food for longer so i just flush longer. ive been...
  16. sacpirate

    I need to rant about THIS section

    cant we all just get along?????
  17. sacpirate

    New In Town, Looking for info and to network

    Sacramento is slowly allowing dispensaries to reopen after the feds threatened property seizures for operating. Unfortunately thebgoing rate for top shelf is only 2800-3000 if lucky. sungrown goes for as little as 800lb so its still not easy to succeed. good luck and hit me up if ur close to the...
  18. sacpirate

    Post Your Purple Pics

    thank my brotha from anotha
  19. sacpirate

    Blue Dream at 6 Weeks! Wanna know how much longer. Tons of pics!!!

    well bagseed can contain many traits as it received polens from somewhere...possibly a male bd but not likely. good to hear you may have a faster finishing bd pheno if thats the case. i hope u cloned it. u may also have azure haze not bd as it finishes potentially at 60. good luck in ur next few...
  20. sacpirate

    12/12 from seed or veg first?

    make sure u use a good beneficial bacteria(micro madness or organism xl by aroura) to get things started and wait for the pant to ask for food. if u are only vegging 2-3 weeks in good soil like roots, fox farm or vermisoil u wont need to feed at all. in fact feeding will stunt the growth a bit...