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  1. nothingtodeclare

    Highlife seeds scam? Or is Attitude starting to "sell" our private info?

    sorry have not read through this whole thread but was it only people who sign-up for the news letter on tude that got the highlife seeds emai,see i did not sign-up for that newsletter an i did not get no email, i have been on highlife seeds site an it looks allright i first see it a while ago...
  2. nothingtodeclare

    Autoflower Cage Match: Round Two!

    TOPP44 is a good strain for early flower can finnish in just 6 weeks if you keep conditions goog dp euphoria an green crack allthough i dont think you can get pure green crack seeds, hybrid versions i think you can get are all about the same to i think all around 6 weeks/44 days there abouts
  3. nothingtodeclare

    The Seed Collectors Thread

    on the seedbay do they send to uk an is it safe??
  4. nothingtodeclare

    Dr Greenthumbs G13

    by the way i am going to make a uk versiom called PM13 or P13 hows about that
  5. nothingtodeclare

    Dr Greenthumbs G13

    i dont think there ever was a strain called g13, me myself cannot see them calling it that even if they did it sounds like some tactical special ops team,its a great story an one of that would deff intice buyers to pay riddiculas prices, i have a couple of crosses that i made myself using soma's...
  6. nothingtodeclare

    The Seed Collectors Thread

    hey hempstead just seen this thread an i too have been collecting the tude's promo's every month an have got quite a few seeds now, i have some seeds that i got off a friend a few years back now that was he's dads but i have no idea what the strain is they grow with red/purply stems an node's an...
  7. nothingtodeclare

    Dr Greenthumbs G13

    or what if i said that this strain was not really called G13 an infact it was called M,T,S (marijuana truth serum) like it was supposadly created for,what if no one stole a cut an that one of the mystery strains hermied created some pollen that flew on the wind an pollenated some peoples...
  8. nothingtodeclare

    Dr Greenthumbs G13

    just out of curiosoty how would one prove that a supposedly myth strain is indeed the real deal is it done by some chemical testing,dna testing against the myth strain that greenthumb has,or is it just rely on the person that says he has had a strain since whenever an gave a cut away, what if...
  9. nothingtodeclare

    Adding More Light!

    as kizz said if you have enough height room put them at the ery top an over the corse of a week-10 days lower them to where they should be going by what you have 600w would put out 92,000 lumen an i think your cfl is about the 25,000 lumen mark just say 120,000 lumen mark i would put it...
  10. nothingtodeclare

    Autoflower Cage Match: Round Two!

    well just brought some more auto's i brought auto bluberry an some afghan kush ryder the funny thing is if i plant the kush ryder it will be done before my super cali haze, i was just reading on the greenhouse widow guides that they reccomend that for the last 2 weeks you turn the light off or...
  11. nothingtodeclare

    Autoflower Cage Match: Round Two!

    i have to agree with that, mantisz pointed it out to me earlier on in the thread i wish i did the same (planted in final pot) as said i am suffering for it now,thank god these are a real long autoflowering strain hopefully final yield will not be hindered too much, well i suppose its another...
  12. nothingtodeclare

    Autoflower Cage Match: Round Two!

    how many of you start auto's in your final pot,because i started mine in a little 2" pot i transplanted it to a 3 gallon an for the past 2 1/2- 3weeks the bitch has not moved until 2 days ago i can now see new groth appearing, now i know i have stunted her but how i do not know how, she was...
  13. nothingtodeclare

    Epic Pictures!

    here's my scrogged w widow 20 days into 12/12 not epic but they will be will post other pics later on when they filled out more if thread still going
  14. nothingtodeclare

    Purple Trainwreck Just Harvested!

    did you lower your temps in flowering or anything to aid in the purpleing???
  15. nothingtodeclare

    Help Please! Hps Heat Problem My Baby is Dying

    make sure the air you pull through your light is going through a filter widows can stink really bad in flower m8, i would attach your fan on to the duct hole that is in your light run the ducting without too many bends into another room if you can an attach the carbon filter on the end the...
  16. nothingtodeclare

    Purple Trainwreck Just Harvested!

    lol at max they are nice purp has truly come out,i love purppy strains the only one i have grown that turned really purple was blueberry oh i wish i had pics of it an i wish i kept it as a mother
  17. nothingtodeclare

    This Is What I Use. This Is My Results

    well here they are there 3 weeks flower birthday today, there is so many heads you cannot see most of them as the leaves are in the way i keep tucking them down but they keep popping back up, there getting frosty an stinky day by day,an its funny the ones all arouund the edge of the screen...
  18. nothingtodeclare

    Second Grow Update

    look at ebay if money low an you can get 85w 105w cfl bulbs that just screw in but you can also get 150,200,an 300w cfl if your worried about bulbs being delivered etc the first 3 bulbs they sell in the photography bit also as you probably know try an stay in the range of 6,500k blue spectrum...
  19. nothingtodeclare

    Purple Trainwreck Just Harvested!

    very nice i need to get me some purps what setup was you using?? lights i mean cfl or hps plus rep on your nice purpys
  20. nothingtodeclare

    Autoflower Cage Match: Round Two!

    keep it going frenchy your almost at the last hurdle glad to hear there greening up again