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  1. J

    Co2 monitor sensor ppm reading

    Are you sure that’s how it works ? So no co2 would be exhausted with the hot air?
  2. J

    Co2 monitor sensor ppm reading

    Yea I guess that will be the case but that will be fine won’t it? As long as the co2 I’m adding doesn’t get sucked out, I guess it will be regular air pumped in through the ac mixed with pure co2 that I’m adding
  3. J

    Co2 monitor sensor ppm reading

    im running lights on during the day atm and the environment is spot on atm, but that’s probably because It’s winter and the day time temps don’t get above 10 degrees where I am right now. When the summer comes i probably will switch to light on at night like you say
  4. J

    Co2 monitor sensor ppm reading

    Yea you can’t really run outake fan it will just cost loads of money in co2. Need ac to control the environment, I’m new to it myself but inthink I’ve got it sussed now after tonnes of research and experimenting! Hopefully I get the 20-30% extra yield I keep hearing about !
  5. J

    Co2 monitor sensor ppm reading

    Just built it into the wall so the intake and exhaust (both on back of unit) are out the grow area and the cold air outlet is inside the room. The seal the panda film to the unit
  6. J

    Co2 monitor sensor ppm reading

    My portable works so wel I’m so happy with it. I had it in the room at first with the exhaust hose coming through my panda film and up through the ceiling into the loft but then I realised it will juts suck all my co2 in so had to reset it all. Literally cut a rectangle in the panda film, have...
  7. J

    Co2 monitor sensor ppm reading

    Well my set up is a room in a room. I built a timber frame with white panda film stapled to to it on the inside of the grow area, so the timber frame is visible from the outside, then a zip up door for entry. I’ve caulked the ceiling timber and the timbers that meet the wall either end. Then...
  8. J

    Co2 monitor sensor ppm reading

    Im juts hoping my room is sealed enough I went to town on it with duct tape and caulk lol
  9. J

    Co2 monitor sensor ppm reading

    Ah right yea that makes sense, I got like 3 oscillating fans pointing down at the canopy
  10. J

    Co2 monitor sensor ppm reading

    So I’m waiting for my Ram co2 controller and sensor and I was wondering what the deal is with the sensor and the ppm readings. Can I put the sensor at canopy height and it will read the co2 at that height ? Or does it read the whole room? Just thinking it will save on co2 if the controller only...
  11. J

    Dehumidifier suggestions ?

    I was doing that but I’m switching to a sealed room so I can run co2 cyclinders I want my VPD perfect and the controller will give that. Don’t wana have to go in there and turn it off or on or change setting etc and let all my co2 escape
  12. J

    Inkbird humidity not working

    Uk bro that’s probably why. I will do man thanks for your help
  13. J

    Dehumidifier suggestions ?

    Need suggestions for dehumidifier for a 12x8 ft room that MUST be compatible with an inkbird controller. My dehumidifier that I have turns off but not on with it, you have to turn it on manually which is so fuckimg annoying as I can’t use it now. So to clarify need suggestions that are tryed and...
  14. J

    Inkbird humidity not working

    Ah says not available
  15. J

    Inkbird humidity not working

    Do I juts need one with auto start ?
  16. J

    Inkbird humidity not working

    You’re right bro thanks for you help looks like I’m screwed lol. Any recommendations for a dehumidifier that works with it haha
  17. J

    Inkbird humidity not working

    Ahh it just comes on like in the picture when I do that. And I tried it on all settings. You think maybe it’s juts the design? Man that sucks so bad, I’m transitioning over to a sealed room so looks like I’m buying another one any recommendations that won’t do what this one has?
  18. J

    Inkbird humidity not working

    I have just got the inkbird humidity controller and I’m having problems with it ! I went though the setting using a YouTube video and it should be dialled in ok... but the humidifier doesn’t come on. I have my target humidity at 64% with a humidifier and dehumidifier plugged in with 3% either...
  19. J

    Co2 through 2 rooms

    So I have a set up coming for co2 with controller and monitor for my main room but I wanted to run the tubing into my other room I have. Has anyone had any experience with this ?
  20. J

    Running co2 and ventilation

    I have purchased a RAM co2 controller and monitor.. firstly has anyone used these? How good are they? Secondly when I start running the co2 I’m trying to figure out what setup with timing etc.. I am going to set the canister and controller and regulator uo in my room and am going have tubing on...