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  1. J

    Yellowing leaves help?

    So I’ve just put some of the soil in cup of 8.1 ph water and stirred it round and it’s dropped to 6.6! The acidy peat must be the problem I won’t be using that again. I know lime can raise the soil ph but that takes ages to take affect I think. Would it juts work if I watered at 8.1 ph, then...
  2. J

    Yellowing leaves help?

    I know man there are better soils out there but I’ve read successful reviews about it also, and it’s cheaper for the size I’m doing. Also I used it on first run and it was fine. I have been feeding yes, small amounts so far
  3. J

    Yellowing leaves help?

    Tops are fine mostly, some are going slightly lime green
  4. J

    Yellowing leaves help?

    I am having problems with yellowing leaves and really want to know how to fix it. I am growing in this soil the plants are now 5 weeks old so have started light feeding with plant magic soil grow.They are in their...
  5. J

    What sort of deficiency? Solution?

    My girls are only about 4 weeks old but the lower leaves are yellowing and dying. From looking at the pics can anyone help me with a diagnosis and solution ? Thanks
  6. J

    had to hide budding plants!in bags.. mould?

    So I had to completely dismantle my room for an inspection and get my 6 autos out of there. They are a couple of weeks from being finished and the buds are big. My only option was to put yhem In my car so I put them with pot into plastic bags and taped the top to keep the smell in. I did make a...
  7. J

    Grow room opinions

    So I had a grow room I built with timber and white sheeting but I’ve had to take it all down as I have a landlord inspection. I was juts wondering if I were to not put it all back up again (bit of a task) and juts have my room with sheeting on the floor and the walls (magnolia painted) left as...
  8. J

    Male ? Or not ?

    I’ve ripped him Up and threw him out the window
  9. J

    Male ? Or not ?

  10. J

    Male ? Or not ?

    Hi all are those pollen sacks ?
  11. J

    Problem with dead/dying leaves and small buds

    Don’t think thrips are the problem though? Well not to cause all this. They def didn’t help
  12. J

    Problem with dead/dying leaves and small buds

    Done it every few days for 3 weeks or so before flower
  13. J

    Problem with dead/dying leaves and small buds

    Spinosad spray, smoke bomb and mosquito dunks. Always come back though the little fuckers
  14. J

    Problem with dead/dying leaves and small buds

    using 50l fabric pot John innes multi purpose compost (uk) 4 Led lights over 2000w worth fans and exhaust fans Temp and humidity monitored Plant magic nutes one feed on one feed just water PH 6.5 Currently at end of week 8 of flower so I used all of these on my first grow and it went...
  15. J

    Leave in dark for a week end of cycle

    Like every 4 days or so… I have 50L fabric pots so plenty of soil to drench
  16. J

    Leave in dark for a week end of cycle

    Got ya. If I drench the soil that should be ok right? As the light will be off so won’t be using it up as quick?
  17. J

    Leave in dark for a week end of cycle

    Ah nice one. Should I drench the soil before I go? And 7-10 days they will be ok you think ?
  18. J

    Leave in dark for a week end of cycle

    So my girls will be ready to harvest at the same time ive got an opportunity to go on vacation. My question is can I leave them in darkeness for a week? Or maybe even longer? And then when I come back I can chop and dry?