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  1. S

    My NEW(not finished) homemade stealth cab!

    alright taking some shitty pics for you guys for now. i still cant get ahold of a sheet of plywood.. man i need a truck. and is this some kind of horrible joke djruiner? :S
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    My NEW(not finished) homemade stealth cab!

    oh boy, kind of embarassed at how my plants are doing. one is still goiing strong the other who have developed yellow leafs and are dying slowly
  3. S

    My NEW(not finished) homemade stealth cab!

    yeah i can feel ya on that one, thansk for the heads up and i kinda thought the three joint thing was a crock of shit. ill post some pics in a few days to see whats up! hopefully the shit comes soon! cheers
  4. S

    need some help with my first grow

    mohammed ji had
  5. S

    My NEW(not finished) homemade stealth cab! fuckin.. maybe take a look at it and read the instructions my minds so fried i cant understand it i never did read well in school and shit either hahaha , so i just push buttons and hope for...
  6. S

    My NEW(not finished) homemade stealth cab!

    Alright, it has 7 days on it. You press program and it pops up each day, so say.. program once > monday > set ON time > program again > set off time and repeat throughout the whole week - i set it for 10 minutes after i programmed the thing and nothing shut off.. i havent slept in a while...
  7. S

    My NEW(not finished) homemade stealth cab!

    fuk now my timer is acting up so im jus gonna wait until tomorrow wen i get some sleep
  8. S

    My NEW(not finished) homemade stealth cab!

    i set up my timer and shiiet for 12/12 i have 2 42 watt cfls running on it until my lights and stuff come in, just a tester - but yeah tiger im gonna try and just flower it now and see what happens hahahahah im bored as fuck!
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    my first grow outdoors - greenhouse

    oh and, with the money you make from growing and selling pot - if any at all. please invest in some english classes.
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    my first grow outdoors - greenhouse

    wall of text rapes you're family and friends violently.
  11. S

    canadian soil problem

    yaah, no damn luck ordering any of that shit
  12. S

    My NEW(not finished) homemade stealth cab!

    oh and Tokatron, i dont really know what to say, but that your a meathead and now you get shit for not reading the thread.
  13. S

    canadian soil problem

    I am currently located in Canada, and have no way of getting any Fox Farm items. Can someone give me an idea of a soil and nutrient of equal value, or something that will work? I will be ordering off the internet, so websites would be a great +, how ever i would rather go into town and get...
  14. S

    My NEW(not finished) homemade stealth cab!

    heres the timer i found laying around the house. on the front it says 7 day / 7 event outdoor timer back side says Raintight outdoor timer 18 amp resistive and inductive 1000w 120 volts 60 hz do i just plug this thing into the power bar with my lights, and set it up with the...
  15. S

    My NEW(not finished) homemade stealth cab!

    put together some fans for the heat, like i did. glad someone here is feelin me! haha. i cant wait until all of my stuff arrives and i can put this thing together. what kind of soil are you using? im using backyard soil and some of my plants are dying but its ok
  16. S

    My NEW(not finished) homemade stealth cab!

    i have to be stealth dude!
  17. S

    My NEW(not finished) homemade stealth cab!

    heres a little idea i have for my cabinet. check it out and suggest things!
  18. S

    My NEW(not finished) homemade stealth cab!

    looks like my camera is dead.. and wont charge? oh well.. hopefully soon.
  19. S

    My NEW(not finished) homemade stealth cab!

    Canada is a beautiful place. Ill tell you something but you wont believe me. I live in a certain town with a certain " legal (literally)" production. Mcdicks pays 14.50$ a hr starting wage, im 17 years old and im making 22.00 an hour ( still on probation, another month to go until i reach 25.00...