my first grow outdoors - greenhouse

iluv r3dtub3

New Member
ok guys i made a little 5ft by 10 feet tarp walls and plastic roof covering for rain i live in washington were it always rains dont want anymore bud rot but it gets cold in washington so i put a heater fan in the tarp green house rofl i put up reflective walls and cut down all the trees arowned the tarp green house for max light i cut down the trees last year so no suspiction. dose anyone see any problems in my grow i tilled the growned and added soil i will start all my babys in feb and put them out in the tarp- greenhouse in the growned in may and let them grow huge i am glade i dont have to worry about any bugs or wind storms!!! i think i have the perfect idea and will get some huge buds i hope!! but i need your guys input to make this grow the best i can put your 2 cent in what kind of soil is the best when should i top it 2 node or 4th i need little things like that i want to get all the info befor i put my babys in the growned i will start them indoors in a little cfl setup let them veg for 2 and a half months then put them in the tarp greenhouse and let them exsplode and can flower tell i need to becuse i got the heater rofl snowing outside and i can still be flowering. i will grow northern lights for my first grow i herd it can stand alot of stress and i plan to mess up alot rofl give myself some omfg room!! i also now what do you guys use for nuts and how often to feed my babys nutes and water them i will start a jernal as soon as i start im sick of buying weed i lose no money becuse i buy ounces and sell most to medical users so it is all leget no police comming my way rofl!! but i am sick of people complaining about 1.8s always want 2.0s rofl im not rich i need some more weed man so give your input any sugestions or changes you would do i tihnk i got it down but dont want a o shit what do i do now moment and let my plant die from over nuting or watering would be quit disapointed in myself i want atleast a ounce off each plant should be easy to or a pound off 5 plants well i have rambled on for to long so i gtg will post up pics if i ever find a camera!:blsmoke: