need some help with my first grow


New Member
ok i`am growing 3 plants two super lemon haze plants from gh,and 1 rpcole train from slh plant is 10 and 1/2 inchs and so is the rpcole train both 25 days old and looking healthy next feed will be with grow big for first time,the third slh plant is about 2 weeks behind other 2 plants, ok so my questions i have are this my plants are in five gallon buckets except the little one will transplant soon,so how much water should i be giving them at a time.i have been watering them with a gallon of water each time is this to much water at once,should i maybe water with only a couple of quarts of water instead of a whole gallon.ok for my next question when should i top them or fim them in my case because thats what i want to do and i will lst the plants to help with height issues.thats about the only questions i have right now can you guys help me out.p.s.i `am growing in a mix of ffof soil mixed with light warrior and some vermiculite with a 600 watt mh light for veg and a 600 watt hps light for flower would anyone care to guess my possable yeild on these strains under my lights and optimal conditions.


Well-Known Member
You can top your plants when the 4th or 5th node is present. I prefer 5th because I clone the toppings and it leaves me plenty of stem.
If you are growing outside, a gallon per watering may be necessary to prevent the plants from drying out. If you are growing inside, your pots are too big for a plant that young. Had you kept them in 1 gallon pots for 4 weeks of vegging you may need just a quart of water. AS it is, water until you see some run off start to come out and then stop.

No way to guess the yield on plants still in veg without knowing the plant.


New Member
ok but i just watered today and it was like 7 days before i watered so soil was good and dry my leaves was drooping down i watered like i said and 3 hours later they was all perked up now i just checked them and the leaves are drooping again like i over watered i have a tray under the buckets to catch run off and its avout a 1/2 inch deep and the run off just about fills the tray up so is this too much run off


Well-Known Member
yes it is. The problem with using big pots for smaller plants is the one you are having. You have young roots in a big pot seeking water that is beyond their reach. You also run the risk of nutrient toxicity and salt build ups. next time you water, pour water into trays and allow the soil/roots to wick up what they need.


New Member
man i dont understand i did so much research before i started my grow and the majority said that it didnt matter what size of pot i used infact alot of people on here said that the bigger pot will give my plants roots all the room they will you tell me my roots arnt big enough yet to get all the benifets of the bigger pots ok so what do i do now? well fuck it i guess i will wait until its time to water and then i will use only about 1 quart of water no matter what and just keep a close eye on them its all i can do i guess. fuck man this is bullshit dont know how many people on this site that said startem in bigger pots they love it ....yea they sure do... not!


Well-Known Member
Had so good advice for you here too ! But i deleted hope u didnt have time to read it !

Your the biggest case of user error i have ever seen how did u even make it this far?

For everyone else I,m justified for being mean read her threads and see what an ass she is !