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  1. fishindog

    New Member Here, New Grower, New (and irritating) problems

    Dude just start fucked it up too bad. Get some different soil too so you dont have any probs
  2. fishindog

    Skywalker's 2nd grow! 400w Purpz, OG Kush SCROG

    subscribed dude.....bongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmilie
  3. fishindog

    New Member Here, New Grower, New (and irritating) problems

    just water it a lil every couple days...make sure it dries out a lil before you water just takes a lil time.
  4. fishindog

    ~First Timer-Steathmaid Grow~Tips and Tricks Welcome!

    Hmmmm....thats better but if i were you i would still try to bring it down to mid to lower 80's at least. Lets see some pics of the there any way to possibly make your exhaust holes a tad bigger? or maybe the ones on the top of the lid?
  5. fishindog

    CFL Rubbermaid

    Ya sweet science get some pics up so we can see the progress of both...that will be cool...bongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmilie
  6. fishindog

    New Member Here, New Grower, New (and irritating) problems

    Well its not looking dead yet so i think its going to come through, just keep taking care of it it should be fine.....also do you know the exact temp of your box???
  7. fishindog

    New Member Here, New Grower, New (and irritating) problems

    Well man no one is probably gunna be able to give you an answer that is 100%....we told you all the things that could possibly be wrong with it, and now it is your job to single it out... you are going to have to cut back on your watering to see if over watering is the problem.....if you cut...
  8. fishindog

    4x3 Scrog (2) - 1200w total

    I would say you could do a really nice SCROG with 4 plants per 600w.... This guy did 3 under a 400w and it turned out damn good....
  9. fishindog

    stealth Coin-op video game cabinet grow (mame cabinet)

    Here dude....
  10. fishindog

    Do people really grow plants like this?

    FDD you make me so jealous.....:weed::weed::weed::weed:
  11. fishindog

    Experimental, non-traditional, First grow.

    Im sitting in the same boat man.....i have no smoke till mine are done :sad::sad::sad::sad:
  12. fishindog

    ~First Timer-Steathmaid Grow~Tips and Tricks Welcome!

    Well that's definitely better then in the 90's, let me know how they are doing after you add that other intake....lets see some pics of it too!!! bongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmilie
  13. fishindog

    ~First Timer-Steathmaid Grow~Tips and Tricks Welcome!

    Nice man, hows the temp looking since you turned the fan on full time??? And the humidity in my box is only like 30% and it is working just fine for me, no problems.
  14. fishindog


    You can use the same soil or buy some other stuff it really doesnt matter, And also you are going to want to clone before you put it into flower
  15. fishindog


    Buy your 150w HPS here its only $20...if you havent already
  16. fishindog

    ~First Timer-Steathmaid Grow~Tips and Tricks Welcome!

    I was maybe thinking you should have the exhaust on all the time instead of every 5 least thats what your pic says.... But also my box got too hot with the 42w CFL's, so i had to cut a couple exhaust holes in the top of my lid that just let the warm air out that was rising to the...
  17. fishindog

    My First understair Grow *Lots of pics* Feel Free To Comment

    My fingers are crossed :weed::weed::weed::weed:
  18. fishindog

    ~First Timer-Steathmaid Grow~Tips and Tricks Welcome!

    O ok....i dunno how much a cd will reflect but i guess it isnt hurting anything. And ya ill be watching bongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmilie
  19. fishindog

    Straight NewB Help With Indoor Growing And Grow Box SetUp.

    And ya this guy used a 150w hps...i recommend if you can to get this one..... You are gunna have to re-wire it too if you do....