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  1. fishindog

    Skybikes' First Grow (Stealth):2x AK47, 2x Fem. Trainwreck.

    Damn man that sucks sorry.......bongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmilie
  2. fishindog

    Re-re-veg Upgrading from Rubbermaid Setup to 400W MH/HPS Custom Cabinet Must See!!!

    Update for today...the plants were re-potted in the MG with their root balls being cut back again...i will get some pics up of the re-potting sometime in the next couple days hopefully..... And ya these plants are like little bushes.....they are so thick and i wish i would have taken a picture...
  3. fishindog

    Re-re-veg Upgrading from Rubbermaid Setup to 400W MH/HPS Custom Cabinet Must See!!!

    Ya i know me and my buddy were just all stoned and just kinda thought of it weird how it worked...but turned out fantastic...those fans really really really blow air in and out of that box keeping the temps down perfectly...and ya we can learn from eachother blaze on...
  4. fishindog

    Skybikes' First Grow (Stealth):2x AK47, 2x Fem. Trainwreck.

    Hey guys just thought i would let you know that i built my cab lastnight and started a new thread re-re-vegging my is the link check it out and i will be following yours the whole way....
  5. fishindog

    Re-re-veg Upgrading from Rubbermaid Setup to 400W MH/HPS Custom Cabinet Must See!!!

    Hey thanks man....and i still havent decided if im going to scrog these plants again, i might just let them go how they are but we will see....also i do have the reflector and mounts to hang the bulb horizontally...i dont know if it would be better to do that or keep it verticle...i guess i...
  6. fishindog

    Re-re-veg Upgrading from Rubbermaid Setup to 400W MH/HPS Custom Cabinet Must See!!!

    Here is a pic of what they looked like when i first started re-re-vegging these.....
  7. fishindog

    Harvest rubbermaid style bud porn

    Ok everyone I have started a new thread with my re-re-vegging cab set up and everything feel free to check it out here is the link....
  8. fishindog

    My Stealth Closet Grow!! Must See!!!! #2

    Ok everyone I have started a new thread with my re-re-vegging set up and everything feel free to check it out here is the link....
  9. fishindog

    Re-re-veg Upgrading from Rubbermaid Setup to 400W MH/HPS Custom Cabinet Must See!!!

    Also I forgot to mention that these 2 fans out of the humidifiers haul ass! they each have more then one speed setting and force a shit ton of air in and out of the cabinet....the temps vary between 85 and the top of the cab to 70-75 at the bottom with no cool tube on the MH bulb
  10. fishindog

    Re-re-veg Upgrading from Rubbermaid Setup to 400W MH/HPS Custom Cabinet Must See!!!

    Tomorrow these plants are going to get trimmed, since i haven't touched them since i harvested and put em back under light...they are looking like a lot of the old growth is dying off so i will take care of that tomorrow and also their root balls are gunna get cut back again and re-potted in...
  11. fishindog

    Re-re-veg Upgrading from Rubbermaid Setup to 400W MH/HPS Custom Cabinet Must See!!!

    Finished top compartment of cabinet showing exhaust vent, cheater plugs, and vertically mounted light... Then comes the foam sealing and weather stripping.... These are the springs that are attached on the inside of the cabinet on both doors to hold the doors tight against the weather...
  12. fishindog

    Re-re-veg Upgrading from Rubbermaid Setup to 400W MH/HPS Custom Cabinet Must See!!!

    Ok everyone I finally got around to getting my new cabinet built today, it has a 400 watt mh/hps switchable bulb/balast.....I am up grading to this larger detup from my stealth rubbermaid grow..... For this cabinet all i needed to purchase was cabinet, was only $100 mylar (emergency blanket)...
  13. fishindog

    Cfl flower day one

    Nice! congrats man bongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmilie
  14. fishindog

    Skybikes' First Grow (Stealth):2x AK47, 2x Fem. Trainwreck.

    female bongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmilie
  15. fishindog

    My Stealth Closet Grow!! Must See!!!! #2

    Ya ill try and get some pics up soon bongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmilie
  16. fishindog

    Skybikes' First Grow (Stealth):2x AK47, 2x Fem. Trainwreck.

    Very nice man keep it up, my rubbermaid grow is going to be upgraded to a cab grow soon too...i will be using a 400W hps/mh, i will probably start another thread....but im gunna follow yours to see how it goes! good luck blaze on homie...
  17. fishindog

    Harvest rubbermaid style bud porn

    Hey Big P thanks for the props....take a look in the link in my sig, its my grow start to finish with all the details you and your homie will need, take a look at that and feel free to ask questions....blaze on :bigjoint::bigjoint::bigjoint:
  18. fishindog

    Harvest rubbermaid style bud porn

    Ok for everyone askin questions sorry i been a lil busy.....but here is the light setup....its a bathroom light fixture that goes above the mirror with 4 sockets, 4 Y-spliters to be able to put 2 bulbs per socket with 8 bulbs total, they are 42W cfl's equivelent to 150W Also the camera that...
  19. fishindog

    My Stealth Closet Grow!! Must See!!!! #2

    Pics work again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! bongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmilie
  20. fishindog

    This is what I got for $26,500 after tax and shipping.

    gotta see this pullin up a chair