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  1. fishindog

    rasclots round 2 NYCD!!

    sweet man....
  2. fishindog

    DIY Closet DWC Grow - First grow ever

    Wow man im lovin it....quick question you have any pics of how crazy the roots are? if ya do i WANNA see.....looking great otherwise bongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmilie
  3. fishindog

    Re-re-veg Upgrading from Rubbermaid Setup to 400W MH/HPS Custom Cabinet Must See!!!

    Ok everyone i have finally managed to get a few pics up for you....these pictures are from thursday when i SAID i was gunna update, so they are approx 2 weeks or so into flower....they are becoming monsters....see for yourselves...
  4. fishindog

    DIY Closet DWC Grow - First grow ever

    Looking BOOOOOOMMMMMMBBBB!!!!! bongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmilie
  5. fishindog

    Hey Irish thanks for the question, how many lumens does it say those 20w bulbs are? and i think...

    Hey Irish thanks for the question, how many lumens does it say those 20w bulbs are? and i think you would be fine, your plants mights stretch a lil more and your buds might not be as dense but you could definately still grow a little bit with those
  6. fishindog

    DIY Closet DWC Grow - First grow ever

    Hey Jig thanks for checkin out my plants are becoming monsters i will try and update my page tomorrow for you to see...and if i have questions when it come to hydro ill definitely hollar at you...ill be sitting here smoking a blunt waiting to see your...
  7. fishindog

    DIY Closet DWC Grow - First grow ever

    Hey Jig very nice last grow was a scrog like this and i was always wondering what it would look like in a hydro setup like this..... Great grow man +rep, I wonder how much you will get on the harvest i cant wait! im definately doing a setup like this sometime...
  8. fishindog

    Skybikes' First Grow (Stealth):2x AK47, 2x Fem. Trainwreck.

    Wow guys looking sweet, they are going to love their new light
  9. fishindog

    Bump If You're Baked!

    bump...baked fo sho
  10. fishindog

    Re-re-veg Upgrading from Rubbermaid Setup to 400W MH/HPS Custom Cabinet Must See!!!

    Thanks everyone.....but hemp i just want to say that for the first time i re-veged i left barely anything, and the second time there was alot more....look at the first page of my rubbermaid grow and you can see what i started with the first was very little....and for the yeast mixture...
  11. fishindog

    HARVEST: 150w scrog. GIANT colas. lots of pics!!

    Wow man fuckin sweet!!!!! +rep bongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmilie
  12. fishindog

    Re-re-veg Upgrading from Rubbermaid Setup to 400W MH/HPS Custom Cabinet Must See!!!

    Ok everyone sorry for the delay, been really busy....anyways here are some pics from today.... I have now mounted the light horizontal and have switched to the hps timer wasnt working the first couple nights so now these plants have only been under 12/12 for like 3 nights maybe...
  13. fishindog

    What are some good things to do while trying to re-veg?

    check out my journals, they are both re-veg and worked awesome, put your light 24/7
  14. fishindog

    Re-re-veg Upgrading from Rubbermaid Setup to 400W MH/HPS Custom Cabinet Must See!!!

    The girls had their first night of darkness lastnight, i have mounted the light horizontally now with the hood, i will get some pics up hopefully later on today bongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmilie
  15. fishindog

    My Stealth Closet Grow!! Must See!!!! #2

    was 3 ounces all dried up thanks man, i tried to share it the best i could, im glad you enjoyed it bongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmilie
  16. fishindog

    rasclots round 2 NYCD!!

    subscribed man
  17. fishindog

    5 Purple Chitral X Uzbeki Pure Indy Landrace and 1 BB X CC Grow Log

    Fuckin sweet man bongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmilie And Happy 4:20 :bigjoint:
  18. fishindog

    Bubblegum 400w hps lots of pics

  19. fishindog

    Re-re-veg Upgrading from Rubbermaid Setup to 400W MH/HPS Custom Cabinet Must See!!!

    Ok so here is a little update for everyone....... These plants have now been vegging for a month now, seems that this time took a lil longer to switch back into veg mode but now these things are very bushy and should start to get pretty big now..... These were trimmed heavily and tied down...
  20. fishindog

    Skybikes' First Grow (Stealth):2x AK47, 2x Fem. Trainwreck.

    Me too :blsmoke::blsmoke::blsmoke::blsmoke::blsmoke::blsmoke: