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  1. A

    Making the switch from Soil to DWC!

    You may want a bigger pump going with a waterfall and not using air stones... Best to let the waterfall guys give ya that info. Going with a bigger return is a good idea especially if you want to upsize later on.
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    Another PH problem thread. (Hydro)

    What re you adding to the water... nutrients, supplements etc?
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    Making the switch from Soil to DWC!

    Agree bigger is better for returns but minimums should be based off the GPH with a safety margin. I run 2" on a 4 bucket system with 210GPH inline pump but I could have easily went with 1.5" What size pump are you advising that would require a 1.5"-2" return? I don't think he needs a manifold...
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    NEWBIE!, Plant has brown spots.

    Its just a simple learning curve don't be to hard on yourself we were all there once. I'm not a soil grower (as far as cannabis goes) but that's not far off hydroponics :) I agree you should hand water until you get a feel for it. I would take it out of that swamp, take another pot and fill it...
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    Making the switch from Soil to DWC!

    Yeah i mean Res when i say epi. Nothing wrong with doing a single site RDWC it just costs a fair bit more than DWC. The initial setup cost per bucket generally goes down as you add more is all. Also the equipment needs will change as you increase in size so if you do decide to upgrade you could...
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    Making the switch from Soil to DWC!

    Agreed you need an exhaust fan even if its some rudimentary jimmy rig with duct tape and bubblegum not only for heat issues but to bring fresh air into the tent. Chiller will depend on your water temps, fill up your bucket put it in your tent and let it sit over night with the light on then...
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    is co2 worth getting?

    Fair enough i'm not disputing it just trying to wrap my head around it with all the info i can find. One thing i have learned over the years is science changes... all the time. What's fact today can be wrong tomorrow. That may be the case here. I'm set in my ways but still like to try to be open...
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    is co2 worth getting?

    Yeah i thought about it before but did't want to ruin a small crop since that all i can do atm. My concern was the time frame it takes the plant to change processes and get back up to speed in those process. There just wasn't enough info that i could find on it so i ditched it. When i retire I...
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    is co2 worth getting?

    Also feel that there is a lot more to the lights on/off in relation to temperature during those periods. 24hr light with same temp. I have a hard time wrapping my head around. I'm am always skeptical and set in my ways... until i can prove it to myself. I admit i can be quite stubborn
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    is co2 worth getting?

    Yeah i have considered a similar method in the past. I wish i was allowed more plants so i could actually experiment more with side by sides. What i do works for me but that doesn't mean there is not more effective ways. My self educated feeling is plants have a sort of internal clock that can...
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    is co2 worth getting?

    Not pushing anything just some very recent information on the subject you may be interested in. Good argument about the microbes. Your 24 hr then 18/6 not gonna lie kinda peeks my interest but still not convinced. I know fucking youtube... I never accept info from youtube as its usually just...
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    is co2 worth getting?

    Fair enough, not throwing pics or swinging dicks. Not a professor and self read on the topic. If you know something i don't i would appreciate the info just for knowledge. Why do i get the feeling this has more to do with debating whether the plant is C3 or C4. Science changes over the years and...
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    is co2 worth getting?

    Your absolutely right. That's how a lot of misinformation gets started. I don't know the precise numbers but have a grasp on what works and the principles behind it. I am by no means an expert but personally 1200ppm works for me and my light is about 1500ppfd. I don't seem to need more than that...
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    Slow/stunted growth. First dwc

    You absolutely will lose some flow due to head pressure because you need to move enough volume to create some back pressure or your furthest buckets will not receive the same amount of flow as your closest and that will cause issues. This is not a problem with tradition RDWC. That's not to say...
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    Slow/stunted growth. First dwc

    1. Agreed they accomplish the same goal, less equipment, reducing the complexity, provides a minimal amount of extra surface area for gas exchange in regards to your manifold ( if this is making a difference your system is likely inadequate to being with), provides more even distribution of...
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    is co2 worth getting?

    Ok i should say beneficial to have a dark period
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    Slow/stunted growth. First dwc

    That's exactly what i'm trying to say.... Very little difference not some magical device
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    Slow/stunted growth. First dwc

    1. You state air stones do not mix the water column... not true 2. Air stones push hot air into your water... Not true 3. The evaporative cooling is no better than an air stone. in a RDWC system. 4. Air stones do not break surface tension....not true 5. Neither air stones nor waterfalls will...
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    Slow/stunted growth. First dwc

    Show me where i said they don't work... get your shit straight. I said the CLAIMS you are making are BS... not all but the ones i responded to.
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    Slow/stunted growth. First dwc

    No theory just facts. You tell yourself what you need. Sorry if i hurt your feelings but facts are facts. No doubt waterfall works i have used them also but sure in the hell doesn't do as you claim and that doesn't mean they are not good. Out of respect from the OP I'm not going derail this any...