Search results

  1. Synergy_

    LED Companies w/ LINKS

    Good to know. Good stuff. Your results will be in before long, sir and then we can have a real discussion on their worth. =)
  2. Synergy_

    LED Companies w/ LINKS

    I'll post the findings after I've used them for a while. The name of the company means nothing to me. I just have three close friends in real life that I've watched all purchase and use different models of them for a while now and they sold me way before any of these videos did. I agree the...
  3. Synergy_

    LED Companies w/ LINKS

    Look, I'm new here and not trying to cause any problems and definitely not trying to advertise for platinum. I hold no stake in platinumled and could care less about the advancement of their company. I was simply putting out info I've seen and that makes sense to me. Call me a salesman or...
  4. Synergy_

    LED Companies w/ LINKS

    Of course they do man. I did a lot of research before I decided to go with Platinum LED and would never, ever invest $3,040 with a plan to invest another $2500 once I get my next 4x8x7'11" unless I was absolutely confident I was getting the best light on the market for the money I have. Let me...
  5. Synergy_

    LED Companies w/ LINKS

    Ok, so what are opinions and the general consensus here at riu when it comes to PlatinumLED's 12 band lights. I ask because I've bought a p450 and am probably about to buy 4 more p600's. I've just seen too much evidence of what they can do, plus their PAR output and more to write them off in any...
  6. Synergy_

    Led Users Unite!

    I've just started something pretty small with one PlatinumLED p450. However, I'm about to add a 4x8x7'11" tent with four PlatinumLED p600's next week. Hopefully before two long I'll be able to use the p450 for a clone space, the one tent for veg and another identical to it for flower so I can be...
  7. Synergy_

    Growing Mediums/Soils

    This is my first grow, but I've decided to go with FFOF with FF Light Warrior at a 3:1 ratio with one added tablespoon of dolomite per gallon of soil. I've seen this work wonders for a few others so I'm hoping I'll have some success. Just starting but I'll update on how things are going.
  8. Synergy_

    Welcome New Members!

    Just wanted to introduce myself. I'll be around a lot now. I'll be posting on two separate grows for the meantime. One pretty small which has a few bubblicious by Nirvana and a few Jock Horror from Nirvana. The other has one, sad Jock Horror that was given to me as a seedling in Miracle Grow...