Search results

  1. SaitouMichiko

    Everyone's Pink Elephant: Death

    Our only definite purpose in life is death, this is the human fate. Everything we do is in preparation to die, and we have all these theories about life after death, how to live life before death, What it's like while we're dying. I think it's rather exciting because we finally get to traverse...
  2. SaitouMichiko

    What did you accomplish today?

    LMAO! Hey there. Nice to see a familiar face.
  3. SaitouMichiko

    What did you accomplish today?

    I'm not from Texas but I'm living here. I've lived many places due to my dad being in the navy.
  4. SaitouMichiko

    What are the best drum or guitar solos of all time.

    I always enjoyed the comfortably numb solo specifically from this show.
  5. SaitouMichiko

    What did you accomplish today?

    There's an old saying in Tennesse, I know it's in Texas, probably in Tennessee...... Man, what an amazing president.
  6. SaitouMichiko

    What did you accomplish today?

    Ghost, lol.
  7. SaitouMichiko

    What did you accomplish today?

    I worked for alpine access when I first turned 18, but it is a part of my work history so it was still surprising to see lol. The current company is different though :) I won't push you to find it, I don't want to worry about being fired lol.
  8. SaitouMichiko

    League Of Legends or World of WarCraft

    Smite. Lol
  9. SaitouMichiko

    What did you accomplish today?

    Hmm, what are the first two letters of the company? If you're really finding stuff. Lol
  10. SaitouMichiko

    What did you accomplish today?

    Understandable. There's no silence of the lambs peen tucking going on here lol. I suppose posting on a thread with horny in it first wasn't a smart move either but, meh. Your resident witch hunters have me wondering what all I have on the Internet that I have forgotten about, and how easy it...
  11. SaitouMichiko

    What did you accomplish today?

    LOLOL what. Is this the FBI, the fuck.
  12. SaitouMichiko

    What did you accomplish today?

    I'm new to this forum, but I frequent another one called grasscity, this one seems more lively though. I also look for threads I have interest in and post if that's what you mean, lol.
  13. SaitouMichiko

    Great places to retire?

    Alaska, beautiful place, cheap land, mild independence. I would rescue a bunch of dogs, grow and raise my own food, grow my own bud, do a bunch of random projects whenever I felt like it. Life will be good.
  14. SaitouMichiko

    What did you accomplish today?

    I work as a content specialist for a company that contracts with corporations that need help with social media moderation, approving or removing comments on posts, responding to messages/tweets/DMs etc.
  15. SaitouMichiko

    What did you accomplish today?

    Going to work. But I work from home so not much lol.
  16. SaitouMichiko

    Larry Silverstein.

    Larry Silverstein.
  17. SaitouMichiko

    The universe itself is God

    A man said to the universe: "Sir I exist!" "However," replied the universe, "The fact has not created in me A sense of obligation."
  18. SaitouMichiko

    What Are You Listening To?

    Sappy-nirvana Next up Southerplayalisticadillacmusic-outkast Judas iscariot- In the valley of death, I am their king.