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  1. SaitouMichiko

    What did you accomplish today?

    you forgot ma' and sorry lol.
  2. SaitouMichiko

    Hillary can't be trusted

    I just had a random thought and someone has probably already mentioned this. But what if trump was just a giant distraction to push Bernie off the forefront and out of the election, and his main purpose now is to allow Hillary to win.
  3. SaitouMichiko

    What did you accomplish today?

    I shall be accomplishing nothing today since my work asked me if I could stay til 12am, I've been working since 8. Double shifts 4 lyf.
  4. SaitouMichiko

    What did you accomplish today?

    Haha you're welcome! This comment reminded me of that movie the ninth gate with depp.
  5. SaitouMichiko

    What did you accomplish today?

    She does as she wilt.
  6. SaitouMichiko

    What did you accomplish today?

    Made steak sandwiches after I got off work (bacon, sautéed onions, mushrooms, spinach, white American cheddar and medium cheddar) played vidya games and my mutt got some reading done, lol.
  7. SaitouMichiko

    just a little curious.

    inb4 bi-curious? No?
  8. SaitouMichiko

    What did you accomplish today?

    I'm sure it's good to some people. But my southern and Cajun roots makes me an elitist lol.
  9. SaitouMichiko

    What did you accomplish today?

    Does California have golden coral? Or piccadillys? It's just subpar "homemade" order in a line, cafeteria scoop the potatoes and plop it on my plate style food, and I don't dig it lol.
  10. SaitouMichiko

    What did you accomplish today?

    Are you guys Italian or what. Lol
  11. SaitouMichiko

    What did you accomplish today?

    Lmao in the background? Yes. IMO it shouldn't be famous. Haven't eaten there since I was a little girl.
  12. SaitouMichiko

    What did you accomplish today?

    Explored montrose Houston today, saw some cool creepy shit, ate some good margherita pizza saved a turtle from the middle of the road lol. To be continued..
  13. SaitouMichiko

    Professional cuddles 80$ an hour

    Haha I would totally do it, but I feel like it would just be too many awkward encounters. I'd have to include mandatory hygiene requirements as well lol. And keep a glock up under the cuddle mattress..
  14. SaitouMichiko

    Professional cuddles 80$ an hour

    I understand it but at the same time it's fuckin weird. How does he not get a boner and such. Wouldn't there be sexual tension? That wouldn't be very comfortable in my opinion. But 80 bucks an hour sounds like an amazing living and you KNOW he gets clients, because there is a demand.
  15. SaitouMichiko

    Donald Trump

    34 Senate seats and all 435 house seats are up for election on November 8, 2016. So I guess that and what another fellow said about state representatives and such. I won't pretend to know everything about politics, because I don't. But I do know presidents are complete puppets, and maybe...
  16. SaitouMichiko

    Donald Trump

    Yea I'm not trying to say he's a good candidate or anything like that. Most likely I won't vote, because I don't want to vote for Hillary who is backed by the banks as per usual. And though trump isn't backed by big business he's still an idiot. Nothing would change under her, and who knows what...
  17. SaitouMichiko

    Donald Trump

    I don't know what to think about trump anymore. When I was younger I used to go for the person all the politicians rallied against. I know he's a shit candidate and speaks without giving thought, but what companies and corporations have given him money for his campaign? Is he owned by big banks...
  18. SaitouMichiko

    What did you accomplish today?

    Yea no red sauce. It's just a cheesy chicken-y comfort food. I like to make mine more creamy.
  19. SaitouMichiko

    Better to burn out than fade away. My my, hey hey...

    Better to burn out than fade away. My my, hey hey...
  20. SaitouMichiko

    Does the future of humanity actually matter to you?

    Does it really matter what our answer is if the future is already paved. If I say yes, what does that do for me? Same goes for if I say no. Because in reality, it doesn't matter and it's not up to me. So I suppose no. We think we can control the things going on around us when really we have our...