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  1. Bigjeff420

    Drying leaves

    These r the other plants same age and strain
  2. Bigjeff420

    Drying leaves

    It’s really drippy with dark purple stems vines on the main stock too I’m pretty sure it’s a root problem because I waited too long to transplant that one
  3. Bigjeff420

    Drying leaves

    Is this a phosphorus or potassium deficiency
  4. Bigjeff420


    Hey sorry guys thanks for ur input new pics 6 weeks old
  5. Bigjeff420


    It’s a 2000w it draws 220 actual out the wall
  6. Bigjeff420


    Cool ty guys I figured so gonna do it this weekend
  7. Bigjeff420


    Three weeks old I need opinions is it time to transplant
  8. Bigjeff420

    Wired plant

    I just pulled it not gonna waste my time I planted two extra seeds incase one or two didn’t show out so I came out ok 19/20 not bad
  9. Bigjeff420

    Wired plant

    Cool ty I’m gonna wait and see if it does show new growth in the next few days if nothing has changed I’ll pull it
  10. Bigjeff420

    Wired plant

    No it was stuck but I misted it and it feel off it’s Bruce banner from growers choice seeds it looks like it wants to side branch but should I waste my time waiting or just pull it and not bother
  11. Bigjeff420

    Wired plant

    Why does this plant look like this
  12. Bigjeff420


    Ok ty guys I’m not useing mutes yet I had my light tooo close and I believe two of the plants got burned I have a led hanging 30 inches above them
  13. Bigjeff420


    I’m useing happy frog potting soil my temp is at 21-19c humidity is at 55
  14. Bigjeff420


    How mutch water should I give my seedlings I think I’m under watering I’ll post pictures in a minute
  15. Bigjeff420


    Alright cool ty for ur input I’m putting ten pants useing scrog does that sound right I put 4 in a 4x4 and pulled almost two pounds so I figured I can put ten with no problem
  16. Bigjeff420


    I have a 5’x10’ tent I have two marshydro tws 2000 and 1 phlizon 2000w linear can I get some opinions if that’s enough light this is my second grow first in this tent graduated from a 4’x4’
  17. Bigjeff420

    Harvest time

    Find her thru dark heart nursery
  18. Bigjeff420

    Harvest time

    If u can find it I recommend it highly very good easy grow
  19. Bigjeff420

    Harvest time

    The sweeties
  20. Bigjeff420

    Harvest time

    Ty yeah she made me proud one plant I cried when I cut her lol