Wired plant

Homegrown Hero

Well-Known Member
It’s missing the top shoot, it may still side-branch but who knows if it’ll be good. What strain / breeder? Did you pull the seed husk off?


Active Member
No it was stuck but I misted it and it feel off it’s Bruce banner from growers choice seeds it looks like it wants to side branch but should I waste my time waiting or just pull it and not bother

T macc

Well-Known Member
It will branch from the first node and cotylons (cant remember how to spell it). I have a couple seedlings right now that didn't grow a node, it's just branching from the baby leaves. It may take a couple weeks to really grow. If you have room, maybe start another seed to grow next to it


Active Member
I just pulled it not gonna waste my time I planted two extra seeds incase one or two didn’t show out so I came out ok 19/20 not bad