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  1. ASPharm

    Newbie/ outdoor growing problems

    not an expert on nutrients, but Ive had a lot of luck with Tiger Bloom
  2. ASPharm

    Newbie/ outdoor growing problems

    I always go by feel- I do not water until soil is dry an inch or two down. In Tx you're gonna definately gonna water more often. Its been hot in Cal my pots can only go about 2 full days in the sun before they start weeping.
  3. ASPharm

    Should I cut sickly leaves?

    Through the course of the plants life it naturally draws in and sheds some of its lower foliage- Personally, I only remove what comes off easily by hand.
  4. ASPharm

    pls hlp determine sex

    * oh and dispose of that boy away from the rest of your pants, those pods will still pop open after its chopped
  5. ASPharm

    pls hlp determine sex

    Depends on how long the plants been in there using up all the nutrients... mixing some new in iwth it never hurts. The only trick with the root ball is try and get it out in as much as one peice as you can and just shake out the excess.
  6. ASPharm

    Some super dense AKR (unintended micro grow)

    Beautiful, man... yeah those smartpots are kind of a pain in the ass to fill especially the bigger ones
  7. ASPharm


    thanks :)
  8. ASPharm


    Yeah lol i dunno- theyre not all like that i kinda picked em at random... haha because its funny. I used to smoke cigarettes, so a lot of the characters I drew would too...
  9. ASPharm


    These ones are paint, I also do digital art and animation too
  10. ASPharm


    Nice to see an art section here, Im an artist, and most of my work is for sale- A few samples of what I do PM me if interested I can post links to more :D More of my stuff here- I do custom work also Ill paint/on just about anything!
  11. ASPharm

    WTF is that ?

    Yeah those guys will get you bud rot.
  12. ASPharm

    Hello! new here

    Hello! new here
  13. ASPharm

    WTF is that ?

    Any other advice on the ants? they dont seem to be eating the leaves, and we dont have aphids but the ants are ull up in the plants, all the time
  14. ASPharm

    I need help germinating beans

    lol not on purpose, they got in with the flower and trim by accident and they were found later during cleanup. :)
  15. ASPharm

    I need help germinating beans

    I never thought of the freeze/thaw but its true. this past season we had more luck with seeds that had gone through bho process and were basically flash frozen in butane. We thought for sure that would have killed them off, but they were the ones that popped open :D