pls hlp determine sex


Well-Known Member
That u did lol...anxiety has its claws in me and patience is not my best virtue

I am really just trying to help you, but
Hate to tell ya but if patience is not your best virtue, you prob. should not be growing.
the worst thing is, it turns out to be a male, you toss and start a new one from seed. Or do what I do, I grow from clones that way I know it is a cutting from a female plant so it will be female.
My first grow I harvested too early because i was so afraid I was going to let it go too long and not be good.
the 2nd grow I learned from here about trichomes and got myself a jewelers loop so I could see the color of the trichomes and knew when to harvest and yes, it was some very good bud..
So, give it a week or two then post some pics. and will help you sex it..;)


Active Member
Well lack of patience aside i will continue....this may help me attain some lol...thx for advice all, sorry for being a pest just so darn excited. !! Okay promise u wont read a peep from me on this thread for a couple of.weeks!!


Active Member
Yeah, no question about it to me....those little balls are bunching up in all my new growth. quick question before i go, can i reuse potting soil to transplant one of my other plant that is in a small container? Any special way i have to remover rootball? Im gonna be optimistic and say since that one was my tallest, less leafy out of the bunch and was way ahead of all the others in showing sex, that all the rest are females


Depends on how long the plants been in there using up all the nutrients... mixing some new in iwth it never hurts. The only trick with the root ball is try and get it out in as much as one peice as you can and just shake out the excess.


* oh and dispose of that boy away from the rest of your pants, those pods will still pop open after its chopped