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  1. LightTheLaLa


    The clones are for sure female. I got closer pics of one of my other plant that I think is male.
  2. LightTheLaLa


    Ill try to get closer pics. Thanx for the help everyone idk what they look like really. They look like balls but idk
  3. LightTheLaLa


    Iv been vegging for about 8 weeks now. I looked at two of my plants and it looks like they have pods on them. There not everywhere though, just in a couple of places. Both plants are bag seed so I was worried from the start if they would be male or female. I also have to clones, iv had them for...
  4. LightTheLaLa

    cutting sick leaves

    Awesome thanx guys! Ill let them be and see how things go!
  5. LightTheLaLa

    cutting sick leaves

    My plant had what I believe to be a mg-cal deficiency, so I gave it some in last feeding. I was just curious about the yellow fan leaves. Can I cut them off? They wont become green again so i dont know why I should keep them. Im worried if I cut them the plant will stress, also if you can cut...
  6. LightTheLaLa

    Please help! idk whats wrong with my plants

    Just added cal and mg and flora nova grow 7-4-10 I saw some more yellowing the next day. But today I looked and it looks like the new growth is not showing any yellowing.
  7. LightTheLaLa

    Please help! idk whats wrong with my plants

    So I took a look at my plants this morning and on one plant it seems the problems are not getting worse. However my other plants leaves are developing the same symptoms. I have two clones that are doing great, no problems at all. The silica im using is 0-0-5 potassium silicate the guy at the...
  8. LightTheLaLa

    Please help! idk whats wrong with my plants

    I just use distilled water. And ph I dont know what it is I dont have a meter. The light is a good 18 inches away, temp stays 82 Degrees or bellow. The humidity is around 20% I give it water when the soil is completely dry which is about twice a week. Every 3rd watering I give it 1tsp of...
  9. LightTheLaLa

    Please help! idk whats wrong with my plants

    I definitely need to get a ph meter. And its just on a few of the leaves not all of them and also the tips of the leaves that have the yellowing are dry and crispy feeling. And how much should I feed them? They are not very use to nutriants besides the ones already in the soil and the silica I...
  10. LightTheLaLa

    Please help! idk whats wrong with my plants

    They have been in the 1 gals for about 3 1\2 weeks. They first started showing faint yellowing about a week ago. If it was nute burn Wouldint it of shown sooner then now, like a couple of days after I transplanted? I would hate to flush if that wasint the cause, because I would imagine the ffof...
  11. LightTheLaLa

    Please help! idk whats wrong with my plants

    My plants are getting yellow on the edges of the leaves and yellow stripes across the tips. The only thing iv been feeding them is silica and its 1/4 strength every 3rd water. They have been in ffof for about 3 weeks now. The temps always between 75 to 82 degrees. I dont know what I should do...
  12. LightTheLaLa

    shiny white spots

    Thank for the help everyone I looked again with a magnifying glass and I couldint see anything some places are starting to get yellow, but its been about 5 days sense iv posted that first pic so I took so more this time of the top and bottom.
  13. LightTheLaLa

    shiny white spots

    I looked but I cant see anything that looks like bugs. Can I spray anyway to be safe or is that bad for the plant. If I can what should i use.
  14. LightTheLaLa

    shiny white spots

    I was lookin at my plant today and noticed something on the leaves. I couldint see it clear unless I held it up to the light at a certain angle. I was able to get a pic. What is this???
  15. LightTheLaLa

    low stress training help

    And should I keep the string tied down or will that affect her ability to grow taller?
  16. LightTheLaLa

    low stress training help

    Awesome I will get a box fan asap! And iv also been thinking about investing in a inline fan. All within time for that, but I can deff afford a box fan for now. Iv just been worried about them not getting bigger. Thank you so much for your input it helps out so much!
  17. LightTheLaLa

    low stress training help

    Im using a 400 watt mh light and the light is pretty far away. I want to get it closer but it starts to get way to hot like high 80s and the highest of 91 when I put it like a 18 inches away and I dont have a fan just yet. I also think that they are really small for being a month old. Please...
  18. LightTheLaLa

    low stress training help

    My plants are 1 month old from germ and I was wondering if it was to early to start training them. I just tied the top down a lil bit today and I was wondering if I should stop or keep going. Here's a pic of what I did.
  19. LightTheLaLa


    This is my first grow so after these pots im going into 5 gal smart pots
  20. LightTheLaLa


    I just transplanted my lil ones into 1 gal pot warrior pots last night and used a fox farm ocean forest and happy frog mix 50/50 I just checked on them today. How do you think they are holding up?