cutting sick leaves

My plant had what I believe to be a mg-cal deficiency, so I gave it some in last feeding. I was just curious about the yellow fan leaves. Can I cut them off? They wont become green again so i dont know why I should keep them. Im worried if I cut them the plant will stress, also if you can cut them is there a wrong and right way to do it?



Well-Known Member
I would leave em, the plant will get rid of them by itself when she's done with it. You can give the leaf a slight tug, if it comes off with ease then it was pretty much done with it, if it doesn't easily come off leave it


Well-Known Member
Mg def then how do you know if the Mg def has gone ...leave them so they green up again, and yes the plant moves food in and out of these fan leaves ...later in bud remove only the dead brown leaves to improve lower ventilation