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  1. tenthirty

    Root Aphids! What to do?!

    1) If it stunts or kills your plants, they were too far gone anyway. 2) Some say only on mommies and clones. Some say not to use it in flower. Some say no later than 30 days of flower. Disgression is the better part of valor!! I would say 60 days. 3) Shouldn't need to run more than one or two...
  2. tenthirty

    How can increase my root growth?

    What will help a little IMHO. I'm assuming that your in rockwool or some kind of rapid rooter plug. Clone at 300-400 EC of Dyna-bloom(High P content) in RO water. Add 1 drop per gallon superthrive. Add 1 mil per gallon of RE. Follow standard cloning practices as outlined almost everywhere...
  3. tenthirty

    Dyna-Gro vs Advanced Nutrients Connoisseur (AK47 Grow)

    HB, Have you heard of veg & bloom by Hydroponic Research? If so what do you think? I've tried it for 3 sets of rez changes and the one thing I can say for sure, is with RO, I haven't had to adjust anything with the rez's. I mean to say that this stuff comes out of the box at 5.7 to 5.8 PH...
  4. tenthirty

    Growing with 6 inch rockwool water question

    If you're running ebb and flow. Water when the cube gets light. There is a touch to this.
  5. tenthirty

    It's A Fuct World

    did somebody say BACON?
  6. tenthirty

    Root Aphids! What to do?!

    This round is beyond repair, don't even worry about it. What's done is done. IMID and Orthene in rotation are the only way to go, that is if you really want to get rid of these little fuckers. And, by the way, these will flat out kill your plants if let go too long and google is your friend.
  7. tenthirty

    Something I have never seen before///

    Please spend 50 bucks and get a USB microscope and post the pics.
  8. tenthirty

    Dyna-Gro vs Advanced Nutrients Connoisseur (AK47 Grow)

    Might I add, that there is a little bit of skill involved in getting the pro-tekt just right. It has to be added first. but 4 mils sounds about right. Sometimes after I mix a rez, it will precip out some gypsum. Don't know why, I think it is because of using h2o2 as the last ingredient. If...
  9. tenthirty

    Grooming for light to buds

    I read the whole thing. What I got out of it and from personal experience, and I'll break the two down. 1) When you defoliate in flower it stresses the plant and increases your flower time, and yes you can get a little more, or you could get a little less. You really have to know what you are...
  10. tenthirty

    Root Aphids! What to do?!

    You've got to get a microscope to know for sure!!!!! Imid kills them! It's been 2 weeks and no signs of fliers and everything I see is dead. If you think that they only live in the roots, think again. I spotted one on a leaf, but I couldn't get a pic of that one. Here are some pictures of...
  11. tenthirty

    *I.C.E* grow(pics)

    One branch, maybe a root problem. The actual symptom looks like N def to me, but one branch kinda indicates that it is a root structure problem. I wonder if you have some kind of pest. Maybe its time to break out the jewelers loop and take a good look.
  12. tenthirty

    Root Aphids! What to do?!

    How do you know? Thus the microscope. The only ones of these fuckers that I have seen are dead, either in the rockwool or on the sticky tape. You need a 60X jewelers loop just to see them! A short story, I have seen the little fuckers somewhere else. I have momies in waterfarms. For a while...
  13. tenthirty

    Root Aphids! What to do?!

    I hope you all have usb microscopes. If not, here is a taste, with pictures of my little deceased acquaintances. You know, at least for me, it is almost impossible to see these things in the garden, you just see the aftermath, yellow sticky traps are a gift form god when it comes to assessing...
  14. tenthirty

    Flower stage: 4" Rockwool vs 6" Rockwool Cube

    You must read grasshopper, and read some more. Here is a bone, Look up homebrew's grows. he does some comparisons of Dyna-Grow and other nutes.
  15. tenthirty

    lets talk yield, .5g to 2.5 grams per watt. how can we get there?

    How many runs have you done in your setup?
  16. tenthirty

    Water consumption. How much water do your plants drink?

    Looks nice, but the canopy could be a little more even. Try to take clones evenly and take 2x the amount you need so you can pick the best ones , but you probably already knew that.
  17. tenthirty

    Helicopter stalking

    I'll bet it burns between 35 and 50 gal per hr.
  18. tenthirty

    Water consumption. How much water do your plants drink?

    3x3 table sog, between 2.5 and 5 gal a day, unless they are sick which does happen occasionally.
  19. tenthirty

    LED Companies w/ LINKS

    Yes, please do tell!!
  20. tenthirty

    your yields

    .5 grams a watt is doing pretty damn good in my book, especially if the girls look healthy at the end. I remember reading Al b. talking about going from a lb to 1.5 lbs per run. As far as I can see, there are only a hand full of people that consistently get over 1g/w and that includes...