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  1. tenthirty

    I really need some help

    Can you point me to some documentation on this? I use 4" rockwool blocks and pro-tekt for ph up. Am I causing a problem here?
  2. tenthirty

    Quick Help with multiple deficiency problems in veg before it gets out of hand??

    I do SOG and the grates don't get tangled wit roots at all with 4" cubes. The grates help a lot. With the grates the moisture gradient is much more constant through the cube. (read damp not wet) After the flood the cubes stay heavy for about 3 or 4 hours and are pretty dry. I also use the...
  3. tenthirty

    white flies and more white flies

    You have to break the life cycle. Read up on how they live. The larva are munching on your roots even as we speak. The fliers are the least of your problems. Please tell me your media and hydroponics method and I can give you some solutions without using to much poison or any poison at all.
  4. tenthirty

    Plasma Lighting doesn't seem to be as great as they tout it to be...

    Just to put my 2 pence in here. I was reading the led without led grow here and decided to buy some aquarium bulbs for my veg tray. Got the bulbs and put them in and thought, gee these things arn't as bright as the fixture right next to them with standard bulbs. Hmmm. So yesterday I put the...
  5. tenthirty

    It's A Fuct World

    That looks like a lot of work to clean up. Very nice plants though!!
  6. tenthirty

    Help, my plants are yellow-lime-green.

    The light in the pics is not correct, so I cant tell really what is going on. From your description, it looks like you are over loving them. If it was me, I would raise the light to 3 feet, stop with the co2 and cut my nutes to .9 or 1.0 EC. I don't know your conversion factor. And let your...
  7. tenthirty

    curled up droopy leaves. DIAG needed

    I am no expert, but some of the tips look burned. That with the droopy leaves would indicate to me anyway, that they are being over fed and the NPK ratio is to high in N. Now if you have some leaves that are light green on the same plant, like N starvation, I would also add that there my be...
  8. tenthirty

    What deficiancy do you think this is?? Pic included.

    Here we are again, my fine feathered friends. Time for an update. Well first of all the clones that went under the new aquarium lights, didn't like that at all. About 1/4 of them just bent over for a day, but are recovering today. So I raised the lights. To me they don't look as bright as...
  9. tenthirty

    Reg water in hydro. HELP

    They will like warm perrier water better.:bigjoint:
  10. tenthirty

    Quick Help with multiple deficiency problems in veg before it gets out of hand??

    What I do is put these under my 4' cubes to help them drain. Works great.
  11. tenthirty

    2x600 hps ebb & flow. Chronic, Grapegod, and Bluecheese. Single cola SOG.

    I use those with the thermostat shown below in the combo package. Just for example I just planted clones that went into the cloner 12 days ago, I had about 80% success rate and more would show roots if I waited longer.
  12. tenthirty

    What deficiancy do you think this is?? Pic included.

    Burr, Mag and P sulphates I believe.
  13. tenthirty

    What deficiancy do you think this is?? Pic included.

    The guy at Dyna Grow said to do this for a week and resume normal feeding at about .8 EC. I believe, and so does Dyna Grow that nutes were precipitating out of solution this causing an imbalance. I could be wrong though. So, to sum it up, round 1 is about 10 days out and the don't look to...
  14. tenthirty

    sog how many clones

    Start with 49 i 4" cubes and cull out the runts.
  15. tenthirty

    Bottom growth turning yellow early in veg. new growth is healthy green

    OK, I'm not the most experienced grower by any means, but I am really good at cloning and vegging. So here is my 2 pence. In my experience, it has been impossible for me to tell how wet the tiny rockwool cubes are without picking them up. I now grow sog in 4' cubes and I still have to pick...
  16. tenthirty

    What deficiancy do you think this is?? Pic included.

    Nope, That is what the guy at dyna grow said to do. Thanks..
  17. tenthirty

    Dyna-Gro vs Advanced Nutrients Connoisseur (AK47 Grow)

    So I upped my feeding to twice a day and 7 minutes. The table fills in 3 minutes. First feeding a 30 minutes after lights on and the second 6 hours later. Should this be ok? I have the white covers (like panda film) over the rock wool. So when I flush, I purchased a watering wand. Should I...
  18. tenthirty

    What deficiancy do you think this is?? Pic included.

    Ok, I called Dyan-Grow and the guy there was very helpful. He confirmed that the white powder was precipitation out of solution. (white slippery powder) He also said to add the pro-tekt first, before anything else and use 5 mils gal of Mag-pro. So I mixed new rez's to .95 EC, mostly mag-pro...
  19. tenthirty

    Quick Help with multiple deficiency problems in veg before it gets out of hand??

    6 mils per gallon in hydro is the normal dose and 10 times that much to sterilize. This is from Al.B.Fuct sticky in hydro section.
  20. tenthirty

    What deficiancy do you think this is?? Pic included.

    Hi, I think that I found a clue. In the bottom of the reservoir there is a white precipitate or powder. If I mix the water up it becomes cloudy. I found this through google. So one thing I suspect is maybe I'm mixing my nutes improperly. So here is what I do to mix the rez. 27 gal...