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  1. H

    old leaves dieng new ones healthy

    Well my ph doesn't really get higher than 7.5 ... And from most forums i read they say that's normal. So lower my PH? But all my other plants are growing healthy here's one that experienced shock during transition to a 5 gallon growing healthy, smelling skunkish but looks good.
  2. H

    old leaves dying new leaves coming in lighter

    This is my first growth, luckily my first 2 were females but as of now one of my plants got hurt pretty bad when I put it ina bigger bucket, and one stayed healthy and grew content, the one which got shocked now is growing healthy and good and the other ones leaves are drying and dieng but new...
  3. H

    old leaves dieng new ones healthy

    And one growing content leaves are starting to. Yellow from tip
  4. H

    old leaves dieng new ones healthy

    And they were growing beautifully at first, no yellowing Edit unless you meant yellowing before they shriveled and died , than yes.
  5. H

    old leaves dieng new ones healthy

    This is my first growth, luckily my first 2 were females but as of now one of my plants got hurt pretty bad when I put it ina bigger bucket, and one stayed healthy and grew content, the one which got shocked now is growing healthy and good and the other ones leaves are drying and dieng but new...