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  1. H

    old leaves dieng new ones healthy

    Here's my second one Here's the one I've originally been having problems with and still am. New growth as well..
  2. H

    old leaves dieng new ones healthy

    Ok I'll take your advice, but if my plants die than it'll be the day your proven a dumbass this is my first growth who cares get over yourself. Why come to talk shit when I'm asking for help? One person so far made a lot of sense. U told me some things I've let them dry n the top few inches r...
  3. H

    old leaves dieng new ones healthy

    No way my plants have heat stress and no way there drowning the soil is already drying and my plants r dying worse as if the mg defeciency is really the problem..
  4. H

    old leaves dieng new ones healthy

    Bump... Any help ? Seems like my plants are thirsty...
  5. H

    old leaves dieng new ones healthy

    The SOIL is moist Edit yes it has perlite in this soil
  6. H

    old leaves dieng new ones healthy

    Well I added a bit of dry soil to the top I'm letting them sit for about a week. Week and a half at most, the plants are growing back to normal also lowered the light a bit branching and stuff is coming in a lot better but I still notice a little mg deficiency I'm gonna try treatment if I don't...
  7. H

    old leaves dieng new ones healthy

    How Long you thinkin ? Honestly I feel the soil is a little to cold... Edit also what do u usually do with dried up dead leaves cut em or let em dry n fall off?
  8. H

    old leaves dieng new ones healthy

    Nice thank you mr marijuana I think that's exactly the problem
  9. H

    old leaves dieng new ones healthy

    How do I warm up soil without heat stressing the plant ?
  10. H

    old leaves dieng new ones healthy

    Honestly I've been trying everyone's opinion and I greatly appreciate everyone's help even the bad criticism. They're growing back to normal I can tell by color, growth, and thickness. I lowered my light I fed them not really a measure amount but depending on how wet my soil is about 2 times a...
  11. H

    old leaves dieng new ones healthy

    Why is the big one "fukd"? It's actually been growing healthy and isnt dying anymore..? so throw some dry soil and wait to water it for how long ?
  12. H

    old leaves dieng new ones healthy

    Also I'm using master garden premium garden soil... Only stuff I could find
  13. H

    old leaves dieng new ones healthy

    So what do I do? Top soil? Edit : the dirt I'm using is used for indoor vegetation..but any recommendations for a fellow with no real supplies, any big major stuff I could use ?
  14. H

    old leaves dieng new ones healthy

    I'd say about 2-3 ft high Wow thank you! Will try I just got some ph down from the pet store that'd work right? And I just flushed em and letting them dry lowered my bulb a little bit and u can already tell a little difference
  15. H

    old leaves dieng new ones healthy

    There 5 gallon with drainage whats the problem ?
  16. H

    old leaves dieng new ones healthy

    There's a fan
  17. H

    old leaves dieng new ones healthy

    Here's how it recently looks within a day
  18. H

    old leaves dieng new ones healthy

    It's indoor and pretty much u can say insulated room temp stays the same. And honestly heat stress might be it I took the idea of having a heat lamp from a reptile to give the room a little more heat but it's like beaming heat into one direction I turned that off and I'll see how it re acts but...
  19. H

    old leaves dieng new ones healthy

    Not really telling me why my leaves are doing this? Besides get mirrors I have huge light supply on them. All 6 of my babies r coming up fine and one is growing nicely adapting well from its previous almost shock . And the one I posted is starting to restore color but leaves r still dying should...
  20. H

    old leaves dieng new ones healthy

    Ha thanks. I know it's not the best but I'm just someone wanting to try something new. I'm making a new room for them this is just temporary but it has 1800 watts plus 2 side LEDS and a heat lamp. I don't think it needs more light. I must've shadowed the light so it looks a bit dark