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  1. SenorSanteria

    Newbies! Ask Me Questions Here!

    I bought my lights on while they were running a special ($20 HPS's) unfortunately they no longer have that deal. But they still have a great selection of more expensive lights (many options under $100). You can also try ebay- search for "high bay lighting" and "low bay lighting."...
  2. SenorSanteria

    Newbies! Ask Me Questions Here!

    Not at all. Some plants stink more than others. Ive had some strains that were virtually scentless until they cured, at which time they smelled AMAZING. I wouldnt be concerned at all. Sure, if you want crappy weed. A reptile lamp does produce useable light for a plant, but not nearly enough. A...
  3. SenorSanteria

    Newbies! Ask Me Questions Here!

    Depends on the size of your box. As long as youre moving enough air for the size of your box, you should be okay. Generally speaking, the smaller your box, the hotter it will get. The more area you have inside the box to dissipate heat, the cooler it will stay. A small box will need more air...
  4. SenorSanteria

    Newbies! Ask Me Questions Here!

    Plants need Nitrogen, Phosphorus, and Potassium. Not carrot juice or tea. While there may be some things in there that would be beneficial to plant growth (what exactly, i havent a clue), there are much more effective ways of feeding a plant what it needs. Plant food and fertilizers are the most...
  5. SenorSanteria

    Newbies! Ask Me Questions Here!

    Looks female, if anything, but I cant tell for sure. I dont see any balls, but it could just not be showing sex yet. A closer or high res picture would help. Do you see any white hairs?
  6. SenorSanteria

    Newbies! Ask Me Questions Here!

    Yeah, I was reading his other thread. Looks like the plant has seen temps as low as 36*F. That'll do it. Bugs or not, if the plant is being exposed to near freezing temperatures, spider mites would be it's last concern. I'd place a large rubbermaid trash can over the plant on nights that its...
  7. SenorSanteria

    Newbies! Ask Me Questions Here!

    6cfl's per plant is a generalization. It really comes down to a very simple formula. More light = more weed. The 6 cfl generalization is a figure used for flowering the plant- a plant can be vegged under a lot less light than flowering. 6 CFL's is basically a minimum for flowering any decent...
  8. SenorSanteria

    Newbies! Ask Me Questions Here!

    The only thing I can see clearly in that picture is your soil, sorry.
  9. SenorSanteria

    First grow.Humidity and temp problems

    Take a baking sheet and put some water in it. Throw a few sponges in the sheet and leave it in your room, preferably in front of a fan. Thats a ghetto humidifier, but it should be good for about a 10% increase, depending on the size of your room. If you can make a way to EXHAUST the hot air...
  10. SenorSanteria

    Newbies! Ask Me Questions Here!

    I like to help the noobies out, but I get too lazy to look for unanswered posts. If you have a question pertinent to growing marijuana, ask away and I'll do my best to answer it for you! If someone knows the answer to a question and sees it before me, feel free to jump in and answer it!
  11. SenorSanteria

    Why punish growers more?

    Because the law is written to imply that every grower is growing for profit. There is no "growing for yourself" law, so they charge you as some big drug dealer and cultivator. Ive never made a penny off of any of my weed, so its bullshit that I could go to jail for a year for felony possession...
  12. SenorSanteria

    My white skunk

    Ive got a White Skunk flowering too. It started flowering on Jan 17. Is yours from White Label Seedbank?
  13. SenorSanteria

    Grow operation busted, but they flushed!

    They lucked out. Most of the time they wont get the warning of cops coming to check it out... they'll just show up with a warrant. If that happens, youre screwed. They lucked out in that they had the time to dispose of the evidence, and if theyre smart enough to do that, I'd hope theyre smart...
  14. SenorSanteria

    commercial grow help

    An unattended garden is a failed garden.
  15. SenorSanteria


    Thats some crappy lookin soil, lol. You want the water ph to be around 6.2-6.8. And you might be seeing some nitrogen deficiency, but until you correct the pH you cannot add any nutes.
  16. SenorSanteria

    New and looking for advice

    You can get some really cheap nutes for it that work well... I use Peters 20-20-20 all purpose plant food... its $2.49. My flowering nute (Shultzes 10-15-10) was under $10 at home depot. But nutes arent nearly as important as lights. A 2' tube isnt going to do the job when it comes time to...
  17. SenorSanteria


    Assuming you havent added any nutes, and are using the exact setup that your buddy had them in, I'd say your pH is off... since thats the only variable that changed. Pictures speak a thousand words though. Any diagnosis given without pictures would simply be a guess.
  18. SenorSanteria

    Pc planter

    Whether or not its successful or worth the time is completely up to you. Those things will be determined by your skill as a grower. Has it been done? Yes. Has it been done in a successful and effective way? Yes. Is it the most effective way of growing? Definetly not. If youre limited to ONLY a...
  19. SenorSanteria

    I think I got a hermie

    A hermie is more indicative of poor growing skills, rather than bad genetics.
  20. SenorSanteria

    newbie looking for help

    Youre complaining... about people complaining?