Why punish growers more?


Well-Known Member
In most places in the country possession of small amounts is a petty crime. On the other hand growing is a felony in most places. How is this logical at all? The government is saying "if you buy your weed from the Mexican Mafia you get a slap on the wrist, but spend the (taxed) money on lights, electric bill, nutes...and keep that money in the US and you get prison time".


stays relevant.
Because it's the same as buying weed * X (X being the quantity)

I see the logic behind what the laws represent, but it completely lacks ethical and moral standards.


stays relevant.
Mexican Mafia and whatnot would have no economic gain if cannabis was available to adults most everywhere.

The Son of Man

Well-Known Member
because stoners lobby the government themselves---instead of hiring professionals---who are part of the system and know how to really work the system.

Smiley D

Well-Known Member
Because people that smoke and deal in mexi mids or other compress are more likely to do something stupid, and thus fund the prison industry.


Well-Known Member
Because the law is written to imply that every grower is growing for profit. There is no "growing for yourself" law, so they charge you as some big drug dealer and cultivator. Ive never made a penny off of any of my weed, so its bullshit that I could go to jail for a year for felony possession and cultivation. Over 5 fucking plants!