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  1. SenorSanteria

    Did u know.....

    I'm above average. :mrgreen:
  2. SenorSanteria

    Drinking out of cups

    NO WAY. GET REAL. Hahahahaha that was great.
  3. SenorSanteria

    my sativas, Let em grow? Lst? Supercropp? Highest yield option

    Theres no clear cut ratio. Its all up to the growers skill to know how the plant grows and using LST to their advantage to maximize the plant's canopy. Id recommend topping, and LST'ing. Grow a big bush.
  4. SenorSanteria

    Have I just made a major discovery about light...

    Yeah, and even thats pushing it for me. I use two 150's. 3-4 inches from the colas.
  5. SenorSanteria

    To much light for Clones?

    Why would you do that? The point made above is to not give the plant too much light BEFORE IT ROOTS. Yours have already rooted, and can be treated as a vegging plant (ie, as much light as possible.. 40%+ humidity). You cant give it too much light with CFL's. Youll never "light bleach" them with...
  6. SenorSanteria

    To much light for Clones?

    Knowing your humidity is very important. at this stage of growth, you want at LEAST 40 percent rh.
  7. SenorSanteria

    To much light for Clones?

    Whats your humidity?
  8. SenorSanteria

    shroom business

    Not true. The only place wet shrooms are legal is FL. Anywhere else, any kind of shrooms, wet or dry, are illegal.
  9. SenorSanteria

    ez cloner clones to soil....

    I think the medium stayed warmer in the soil than in the cloner. If I had a heating pad, im sure my dwc setup may have worked out better.
  10. SenorSanteria

    Yeah thats fine to do... Id even recommend it as long as your lights are flouros. With HID's...

    Yeah thats fine to do... Id even recommend it as long as your lights are flouros. With HID's, the water will magnify and burn the leaves. If youre using CFL's, mist as much as you want.
  11. SenorSanteria

    To much light for Clones?

    if a leaf starts to look shitty, you can trim it off. but leave it til its no longer green. and those things you saw were roots. the plant is ready for as much light as you can give it.
  12. SenorSanteria

    To much light for Clones?

    Well... are there roots showing or not??
  13. SenorSanteria

    To much light for Clones?

    If its growing, its rooted. Give it as much light as possible. Once its rooted, its no longer a clone... its a plant now.
  14. SenorSanteria

    To much light for Clones?

    You can only give the plant too much light until it roots. Once its rooted, the more the better. The reason you dont want to give clones too much light is because they wont root if you do.
  15. SenorSanteria

    shitty situation?

    You sure they werent just males? Its usually pretty hard to get a plant to go hermie, especially if it was JUST put into flower. They were definetly female before the outages? I have a feeling your clones may go herm/male too...
  16. SenorSanteria

    Marijuana Bonsai

    Expect a 50/50 male female ratio. That part is up to nature. You could get 10 females. You could get 10 males. (that would suck, but ive seen it happen). Generally though, the ratio is near 50/50. For nutes, youll need to know whan NPK ratios are. This is the formula on the nute bag that tells...
  17. SenorSanteria

    12/12 From seed to Harvest (1 oz Honies)

    No, two different strains. I assume he's killing the males as they become identified, which none yet have been. Nice grow!
  18. SenorSanteria

    shroom business

    Yeah, and youre super fucked if you get caught. It aint like growin pot.
  19. SenorSanteria

    When can you tell clones are gonna survive?

    Youre too antsy. Chill the fuck out, lol. If youre cloning without a heating pad, IT IS GOING TO TAKE TIME. Theres nothing you can do but wait, and make sure the conditions for the clone are the best you can provide. 100% humidity. Minimal light. (too much light and the plant wont root. If it...
  20. SenorSanteria

    All small buds! Buds don't seem to be growing

    Yeah, at four weeks in, youre lookin pretty good. I wouldnt stress it, Sativas usually take longer to flower anyway.