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  1. Princess of Pot

    Shipping Costs MMPR

    How much have you guys been paying for the shipping of your orders. Does it vary greatly with the size of the order?
  2. Princess of Pot

    MMPR Grow op: Small Scale

    I don't think they do care - I just think that there will be a way to get damages when this whole system falls apart
  3. Princess of Pot

    MMPR Grow op: Small Scale

    Can you post your letter or at least the part of the letter that requests the 500m radius from a house?
  4. Princess of Pot

    MMPR Grow op: Small Scale

    I have been keeping an eye on the amendments and I have also been speaking with a lawyer. From what I understand, rejecting your application bc they have changed the rules of the game after you have applied is not really allowed. whether or not rejected applicants will be hiring legal council to...
  5. Princess of Pot

    MMPR Grow op: Small Scale

    I'm sorry but I just don't believe this. There is zero information to back this up. It sounds too fishy to be true. What's to stop me from posting that unless the side of the building is painted green it's an automatic denial. If anyone has been denied on this ground post the letter of...
  6. Princess of Pot

    Favorite strains

    For me - I prefer using/growing White Shark. I know it's an old one, but it is the best strain for me!
  7. Princess of Pot

    Any Canadian LP's please take note.

    You are absolutely correct, not every company will commit to these types of programs. But some will. And it will be up to the consumer to choose which company best suits them, if any do at all.
  8. Princess of Pot

    Who is working for any LP's here

    I hope to be working for myself!
  9. Princess of Pot

    Any Canadian LP's please take note.

    I think that is a very limited and short sighted view. I am not trying to be rude Hippy, because I do appreciate your contributions to this forum - I find them informative and entertaining. But I think that there are lots of businesses that have charitable organizations and outreach programs...
  10. Princess of Pot

    Any Canadian LP's please take note.

    I'm sure that there are LP wannabes out there who do want to help sick people get the medicine they need at affordable prices. My husband and I both are patients in the mmar and submitted an application bc we would not be able to afford our medicine any other way than by growing it ourselves...
  11. Princess of Pot

    how much should a gram of honey oil cost?

    ok cool. Thanks for the advice guys! I appreciate it
  12. Princess of Pot

    how much should a gram of honey oil cost?

    Hi Everyone - I am looking into helping a friend get some oil but I have no idea how much it should cost. Does anyone know?
  13. Princess of Pot

    MMPR Grow op: Small Scale

    For myself, I will have to have a part time QA. Not to save on costs, but because our company/property is located in a remote area of Northern Ontario. To have a full time QA is impossible bc of where we are. I also included in my application very detailed SOPs and GMPs written by our QA. HC...
  14. Princess of Pot


    There is sooo much wrong with this situation! That weed looks terrible! Have you tried it yet?
  15. Princess of Pot

    MMPR Grow op: Small Scale

    Where did you hear this? Is there a link to it? Also - in your opinion is there a difference between on-call and part-time?
  16. Princess of Pot

    MMPR Grow op: Small Scale

    I would not build anything until we figure out the ruling from the court
  17. Princess of Pot

    In the Zone Produce Ltd newest posted lp

    What kind of strains in particular are you looking to see from the LPs?
  18. Princess of Pot

    What LP have you signed up with and how would you rate them?

    I don't know how much you have, but for a relatively small amount, you can put it in a sealed ziploc bag with a large lettuce leaf. That will make it a but better.
  19. Princess of Pot

    MMPR Grow op: Small Scale

    Hi Guys - I wrote HC and asked them what they were looking for specifically with QA qualifications. This is what I got back: The selected person for the position of quality assurance must be able to conduct all the activities under Division 4 which includes understanding the results from the...
  20. Princess of Pot

    MMPR Grow op: Small Scale

    I sent in SOPs and got asked for an elaboration