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  1. Princess of Pot

    Comparing LP's

    I don't use LPs but I heard tilray is not good. My cousin uses Medreleaf and likes it.
  2. Princess of Pot

    Comfort suites Saskatoon not mmj friendly

    Definitely. Just depends on the chain.
  3. Princess of Pot

    If our case is lost.....Predictions ?

    Ugh. I hope not.
  4. Princess of Pot

    Opening a dispensary in TO

    I can't speak for other dispensaries. But my products and prices will speak for themselves.
  5. Princess of Pot

    Opening a dispensary in TO

    For sure! I am aiming for January :)
  6. Princess of Pot

    Opening a dispensary in TO

    The whole purpose is to be compassionate with pricing. both my husband and I are patients and we know how expensive it can be to get quality meds.
  7. Princess of Pot

    Opening a dispensary in TO

    Hi Guys - I have decided to go ahead and open a dispensary in Toronto as I am tried of waiting for my LP application to be processed. I was wondering if any of you had advice or suggestions that you were willing to offer up. Anything is appreciated :)
  8. Princess of Pot

    injunction/court case updates

    Any idea how long that is??
  9. Princess of Pot

    LED lights

    Great information - thanks guys!!
  10. Princess of Pot

    LED lights

    Has anybody tried growing with LED lights? Is the yield lower? Has anyone tried mixing HPS and LED lights?
  11. Princess of Pot


    Ugh - this whole situation is so frustrating! who are the other 2 judges - anyone got names?
  12. Princess of Pot

    MMPR Grow op: Small Scale

    1. Sometimes you can change the system more easily from the inside - for example lawyers representing vulnerable people who can't pay for representation. 2. assuming that I have investors or a bank involved in my business would make me big business not a small scale like I've already stated I am.
  13. Princess of Pot

    MMPR Grow op: Small Scale

    Who's to say we're not providing it now for free? Assuming that we are all in it for big profits is a joke. I've been growing for patients for years and I am definitely not profiting off anyone - if anything, the opposite
  14. Princess of Pot

    MMPR Grow op: Small Scale

    I completely agree with you. The current prices are outrageous - especially given how poor the product is. Maybe they would be acceptable for an unbelieveable strain or recreational user - but not a medical patients
  15. Princess of Pot

    MMPR Grow op: Small Scale

    I just thought that I would comment on all of this. I am MMAR. I am also a wannabe LP and I believe in a patients right to grow. I applied to be an LP bc I love growing weed and helping ppl who are sick. The reality is - not everyone will want to grow there own so there needs to options for...
  16. Princess of Pot

    How many mmar patients are actually left

    Hi - LOL - sorry I meant 13...pressed the wrong button. My hubby and I grow for ourselves and 2 others under the mmar
  17. Princess of Pot

    MMPR Grow op: Small Scale

    It wasnt a rumour - I got this letter today: Thank you for your continued interest in becoming a licensed producer under the Marihuana for Medical Purposes Regulations (MMPR). This letter is to inform you that applicants under the MMPR must now meet, at a minimum, a level 7 under the Physical...
  18. Princess of Pot

    MMPR Grow op: Small Scale

    Where did news of the new security changes originate from? Anybody know?
  19. Princess of Pot

    MMPR Grow op: Small Scale

    Hi - What month did you submit your application and how do you know you are in the security clearance phase?