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    Name this Defficency...Pics included, THANKS!

    well i dont think it could be heat because the hottest my room gets is 82, it averages at 75-79....And it may b a ph issue because i feel my ph stick is acting stupid, Is this problem could it kill my babies?...thanks for the info and merry christmas to all also
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    Name this Defficency...Pics included, THANKS!

    thanks, anyone else have a more sure of an answer, thanks|!
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    Name this Defficency...Pics included, THANKS!

    exactly what the title says i need help naming the deficency because right about now i dont know whats causing it, thanks alot to those who do answer with some knowledge.....!
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    Ok , Real quick question.....Confused!

    ok me and my cousin have an on going argument going on, His theory is that the for example if u have 2 setups with exactly the same equiptment,lights,etc...And one room has say 15 plants and the other has only 3, the one with the 15 plants will have more bud than the one with 3, To my knowledge...
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    Yield Estimate?

    i was gonna start a new thread but im just going to ask the question here considering its in the same topic area as this, My question is this Say you have 15 plants under a 1,000 watt plant in a 5x5 area, And in another room you have 2 plants under the same 1,000 watt and same 5x5 area, Are...
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    Yield question.....

    im also going to try and get some pics up asap.
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    Yield question.....

    i have 2 setups, one room 10x10 using a 4x6 flood table, one 600w light and a 250w light in one room, and the other room is 6x7 using the same 4x6 flood table and one 1000w and a 400w light.I have 6 plants (Strawberry Blue,Blue Widow,CheeseXHaze) int he 10x10 room and 5 OG Kush in the 6x7 Room...
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    Has anyone grown Og Kush, Strawberry Blue, Cheese x haze or Blue widow??

    someone out thea who did any of these strains, let me know!
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    Has anyone grown Og Kush, Strawberry Blue, Cheese x haze or Blue widow??

    like the title says im looking for anyone who has grown any of these strains , im doing them currently now and was wondering your thoughts on them, good and bad and any specific things u did with each strain, thanks
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    Acouple quick Questions, all the help appreciated!

    could anybody give me a educated guess on the yield question i added earlier in the post...thanks
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    Acouple quick Questions, all the help appreciated!

    For veg im using, B.C. Grow and B.C. Boost, Additives are, Floralicious, Sweet,Used a little of Voodoo Juice.....For FLowering i use B.C. BLoom and B.C. Boost...additives are floralicious Bloom, carbaload,Voodoo juice,and gonna use Beasty Bloom
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    Acouple quick Questions, all the help appreciated!

    oh wow, i do ebb and flow and tray tables, You do hydro yourself?.....and thanks for letting me know that, that could be the reason why im seeing color on my plant leaves on some of them and wondered why if my ph wus always on point, but it could be that it was too high.
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    Acouple quick Questions, all the help appreciated!

    oh see i didnt know that, i was told it wus from 6.0-6.5...maybe that could be the reason im seeing some nute lockup...and wondering why because my ph rangers no lower than 6.0 and no higher than 6.5
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    Acouple quick Questions, all the help appreciated!

    oh ok, and from your experience, do you find the plant yields more,etc from this method, or you havent tried it?
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    Acouple quick Questions, all the help appreciated!

    whats lst the plant mean?.....
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    Acouple quick Questions, all the help appreciated!

    yeah i deff know that now thanks too you guys, Another thing, i flowered my og kush 2days ago and they where about from 12-16 inches, 5 of them in a 4x6 tray, with a 1000whps and a running about 950nutes, ph from 6.0-6.5...temp ranging from 75-85....what would be the average yield...
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    Acouple quick Questions, all the help appreciated!

    damn i know i shouldnt of done it and should of asked 1st before doing it, hopefully my babies are ok, because i did cut most of the top ones off thinking it would be smart to do because the horizontal growth wasnt getting direct light......
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    Acouple quick Questions, all the help appreciated!

    ok so me being a noob i have acouple questions and hopefully u experienced people out there could help me. i have acouple og kush plants and topped them off at about 12inches each, now me like an idiot i cut some of the top fan leaves because i felt it was blocking direct light to the new...
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    2000w Purple Kush 106 Plant Ebb and Flow SOG

    oh ok my bad, i didnt know im new to these kinda sites and to this period, but thanks too those explainin it to going to start another thread tho ....
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    2000w Purple Kush 106 Plant Ebb and Flow SOG

    what the hell is your problem man , if he has a problem with me asking question i gladly will, but who are you and why do you care im just trying to get some help