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    Having a knat problem need advice

    Thanks for all the suggestions I watered last night put new sand on top bought extra strips and put mosquito dunks they are looking great this morning only seen two flies around thanks for the info
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    Having a knat problem need advice

    Thanks for the advice i will try the mosquito dunks
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    Having a knat problem need advice

    Also can someone tell me if i water them do i put the water in from the top of the soil with the sand or should i move the sand over and water through the soil.
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    Having a knat problem need advice

    I used aza max it worked ok but does not kill them in the soil
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    Having a knat problem need advice

    I am currently using organic soil i am four weeks into flowering and i noticed knats in my soiil and flying around but mostly in the soil. I read through a few forums and it recommended sand so i put sand on top of the soil and sprayed it with neem oil it controled it pretty good. My issue is i...
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    Need Advice

    Actually they can go to a dispensary if they would like so no problems with getting there meds and if i cant get it for them they can get it from anybody else who is a caregiver.
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    Need Advice

    Thanks janked i actually asked i lawyer yesterday and he told me the same thing it would only make sense as long as you have a locked facility with no one access to it but yourself i would be fine. Going to start my grow now thanks.
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    Need Advice

    Thanks for the advice guys
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    Need Advice

    I wanted to get all my patients before i started plus his home is a good set up place. Now should i tell him to get his caregivers licsence also and five patients if i am growing 72 plants or will i be safe if he has a patient card. Also i will be taking care of the plants he will never touch them.
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    Need Advice

    I am planning on building a grow room i have my caregivers licsence and five patients i am planning to do it at my buddys home in his basement does any one no if its legal to do this secondly does my buddy have to have his mj licsence so he does not get in trouble. Also the home is in his name...