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    What is the strategy of getting nice big colas? Dont know what i am doing wrong

    Ok i will post pics tomarrow i had a busy weekend hopefully someone can regonize something. Also i am not using c02 in my room.
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    What is the strategy of getting nice big colas? Dont know what i am doing wrong

    I honestly cant tell you right now im going to harvest in two week but most likely it going to be 2 to 2 1/2 per plant. I have 3 plants that look like they are going to give me 4 to 5 ounces they have like 7 to 8 colas on each plant but alot of them look like 1 1/2 to 2 1/2.
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    What is the strategy of getting nice big colas? Dont know what i am doing wrong

    I did get some great plants on some of them but more than half dont look that great mostly small nugs all over the plant. I will try to post pics later im at work now. Also i have great space in my room its like 14x20 room. There is one thing that i was thinking of changing is that i used hps...
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    What is the strategy of getting nice big colas? Dont know what i am doing wrong

    Wow jack that sounds like a great idea ill check that out so just mix and let it sit and then water sounds easy.
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    What is the strategy of getting nice big colas? Dont know what i am doing wrong

    My ph is between 6.0 to 6.5 my lights are in the right spot. My feeding schedule that i use is from the soil synthentic website i just folllowed the chart that they had, my pots are 5 gallon pots and my air flow is great.
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    What is the strategy of getting nice big colas? Dont know what i am doing wrong

    yes 9 600 hps lights so thats four plants under one lights
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    What is the strategy of getting nice big colas? Dont know what i am doing wrong

    Im am currently on my third grow i am growing 36 plants under nine 600 watt hps lights i am suing soil synthentic nurtient line and i water them twice a week and give them nutrients once a week. I have been reading alot of different things of what i could of done wrong like some people say nute...
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    found a hermy in my tent full of plants :( plz help

    Sorry i think your screwed get rid of that plant right away happened to me last crop all my plants had seeds in them messed up my whole 36 crop grow.
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    Need advice with my set up

    Thanks a lot for the info I really appreciate it
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    Need advice with my set up

    I like the idea of the plywood I think going that route also what do you think about the drop ceiling should I do that plywood also. I had someone suggest some kind of commercial ceiling so I can hang stuff like my lights etc. I really never heard of that but I'm not a carpenter so he might know...
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    Need advice with my set up

    I want to go the cheapest way but i dont want mold or tempeture issues either.
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    Need advice with my set up

    Hi i am currently trying to set up my veg room. I am going soil 36 plants in the room. My room is 12x8 ft so i thing that is a good size size up with 6 ft ceilings. The sides of the room are made of old wood style and the ceiling is dropped ceiling with white squares and the floor is carpeted. I...
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    hps vegging

    I veg with hps now and have my last few grows and it works great never had a problem.
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    Knats are back need some advice

    I might try that gognats but isnt that pretty similiar to mosquito dunks
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    Knats are back need some advice

    Definately knats i used the sand technique it worked great and mosquito dunks. Then a week later i seen them back in my soil i am going to try mosquito dunks for another week and hopefully this will keep them away until my harvest.
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    Knats are back need some advice

    Yes they are knats, they are mostly in my soil there is a few that are flying around but maybe three or four of them.
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    Knats are back need some advice

    Wow no advice thanks anyways
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    Knats are back need some advice

    I recently just noticed the knats are back. I used the sand method on top of the soil and used neem oil to control them and also watered them with mosquito dunks it worked for a week then i just noticed them again a few days ago i am currently using organic soil and am 3 weeks away from...
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    Spider Mites Week 8 Flower!

    I would use mighty wash since u are a few days from harvest does not make your buds taste bad at all I tried it and it worked fine had same problem week before harvest