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  1. Jay_normous

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    Sorry mate but I don't think thats a good deal... Firstly none are fem'd and then you get 20 extra seeds.. but seeds of what..?? If im going to grow something then id like to know what it is and give it a name.. Buy one fem seed and let it be your mother...
  2. Jay_normous

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    I've had seddlings going for nearly two weeks now and are nearly the same size as they were last week... Lack of lumens...was the problem.. oh and pesky catterpillars... A couple of weeks this shit has been going on.. eating my leaves and rolling them selves up in silk beds..!! Think your...
  3. Jay_normous

    Sensi Star , Chronic , White Russian & Rocklock grow

    Whats the story with the update or are you too busy smoking that sensi star...? lol
  4. Jay_normous

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    Wow.. thats some growth in a short space of time.... Lower your light and they wont stretch as much... Great job... are you sure your a newbie...?
  5. Jay_normous

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    Yeap, so long as you've enough light and don't let it freeze its tits off.. Sure look at me, I done a outdoor shed grow in the depths of our mini ice age we had last year... I don't recommend it though.. took forever to grow..
  6. Jay_normous

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    Don't think I'll bother, they're not getting much of sunlight anyway... Although is there anything cheap and instant with added "N" in it that I could give them.. I hate seeing anything not well...
  7. Jay_normous

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    Had a walk up to my outdoor grow today.. Not looking good at all.... Also, I took this picture at 1pm and the sun had already gone behind trees.. I wasn't really expecting much from these plants, I have learnt many things from this lesson...
  8. Jay_normous

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    Funny that the drink should be mentioned... I'm just fresh back from London (Newmarket races) where I drank so much that as I type now, I've large amounts of skin missing from either knee and elbow, a huge graze down my back, a bit of a black eye, a bruise cheek and a sore jaw bone.. so much so...
  9. Jay_normous

    The Best All Around Guide I've Seen. Covers Everything Nubes!

    Congrats on your first post... Do a grow journal..
  10. Jay_normous

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    Alot of people don't think of growing weed as a hobbie, mostly because its illegal over here, but the simple fact is there are much worst crimes being comitted each hour of each day in this country.... By me growing a couple of plants for my own consumption then I could actually be doing the...
  11. Jay_normous

    Sensi Star , Chronic , White Russian & Rocklock grow

    Sensi does look a little but scary, but the rest look mighty fine.... Not long now buddy.. So whats next autos or normals...?
  12. Jay_normous

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    I have a book by both of those guys... Nearly have read the print off the pages at this time... both books are great reads.. As for flowering feeds, I've used Bio Bizz and thought that was good.. although your buds are only going to be as good as the strain. Q.Q = Anybody know if the wild...
  13. Jay_normous

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    I would carry on what you are doing, You'd be surprised how much the light cycle will interfer at this stage of flowering..
  14. Jay_normous

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    Depends on how long the plant is going to be in it for. Think someone said it's a litre a month, I just go for bigger the better
  15. Jay_normous

    Sensi Star , Chronic , White Russian & Rocklock grow

    Yellowing leaves are normal buddy, it's actually a good sign that she is flowering properly. The next few weeks is where she piles on the weight.
  16. Jay_normous

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    I would like to think the guards were attending some serious crime rather me and my 2 personal plants.
  17. Jay_normous

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    I don't recomend increasing the light cycle....
  18. Jay_normous

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    If cfl is your only option then use as much of it as you can and as close as you can without burning the plant, this gives the argument of using multiple bulbs.
  19. Jay_normous

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    If you do a journal, you will learn so much from your first grow as well as getting advice from us lot...
  20. Jay_normous

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    Hey man welcome along.. Can't think of any tips off the top of my head.. This covers it all, makes for a good read after a smoke too.. Best of luck with the grow, Why not do a grow journal...?