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  1. Jay_normous

    What would you do...? Help..!

    I thought hps gave the most lumens per watt...? But anyway what I'm reading here is to use Mh towards the last couple of weeks of flowering... Thanks guys..
  2. Jay_normous

    DWC Grow guide..?

    Whooops..... I now remember reading that late last night.... Good guide If i remember
  3. Jay_normous

    What would you do...? Help..!

    Well i had kindda though of using both bulbs at some stage.. starting mh and ending with hps.. To be honest i wouldn't say there is that much diffrance..
  4. Jay_normous

    Sensi Star , Chronic , White Russian & Rocklock grow

    No way.. must try it one day myself.. ha ha.
  5. Jay_normous

    What would you do...? Help..!

    Yeah they're really coming on now since the Thanks for your knowledge.. A credit to the site...
  6. Jay_normous

    What would you do...? Help..!

    I'm using 2 250w ballasts both can run mh & hps (one ballast has super lumen switch for hps) Whats the best way about using both types of bulbs from start to finished...?? The lumen switch does make the bulb burn brighter but can only be used on hps.. This making me think to use hps all the...
  7. Jay_normous

    Sensi Star , Chronic , White Russian & Rocklock grow

    How you dry your bud... bud... lol
  8. Jay_normous

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    What..? Again.. already..?? Pics please!! Infact im 2 weeks in myself but am after burning 2 of them already.... (forgot to mix the nuts in watering can and they all came out at the last bit... I'm such a spoon sometimes... 2 plants look well, thank god coz the rest look shite at this stage...
  9. Jay_normous

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    Thats amazing news... I'm still breaking the law but great for those that need it for pain relief etc.. I think a trip to Amsterdam-age every year is a must.. and for once im smoking as good as the stuff over there instead of the shit on the street...
  10. Jay_normous

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    I don't think you'll get anything off him but don't let me stop you trying.. I've not tried the butane method nor using isopropyl, I got mine from a place in sandyford ind est can't remember the name of the place, will have a look on the can tomorrow and let you know
  11. Jay_normous

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    Imo, What you do get off it would probably just give you a headache.
  12. Jay_normous

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    Yeap thats a geezer
  13. Jay_normous

    DWC Grow guide..?

    As above, I'm going to try the method and would like to know a few things..i.e Temps, p.h., e.c., ppm, amount of air needed... etc etc.. I've looked everywhere...:roll:
  14. Jay_normous

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    I bought mine from Woodies, Its like a all in one bug killer, Although I remember reading on the back that you can eat the fruit and veg the next day after spraying this stuff, So not too harmful then..
  15. Jay_normous

    Sensi Star , Chronic , White Russian & Rocklock grow

    Nice pics... Didn't seam that long to get to this stage... Great looking buds...
  16. Jay_normous

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    I grew the plants as normal, it just took them a lot longer to get to the harvesting stage due to the cold.
  17. Jay_normous

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    Thats doesn't look like over watering to me.. Hmmm... has me stumped.. anyone..?
  18. Jay_normous

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    Could be a number of things but over wetting seams to be the common cause.. A picture paints a thousand words.. lol
  19. Jay_normous

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    Yeah that sounds cool to me... 30'c a little high but shouldn't be anything to worry about.. Just cos a seed cost a lot of money doesn't mean its the best or the strongest.. You get it for the stone it gives you.. I use pick and mix seeds.. you can buy single seeds from there..