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  1. Carnabos

    what's everyone's favourite roach style?

    that's what i do mean, like, big, small, tight, loose, s, m, thick cardboard thin cardboard?
  2. Carnabos

    what's everyone's favourite roach style?

    i like double barreled, but can't do it, so i stick with a small tunnel. :leaf:
  3. Carnabos

    My simple set up.

    Thanks everyone, i have done alot of research, but mainly how to keep it stealthily, and i've not researched specifically, for example, i knew i needed a cfl light, and nutrients, but not what ones specifically, but it seems to be going okay so far, so thanks! :)
  4. Carnabos

    My simple set up.

    erm, i live in england, so i'll check out ASDA some time, but yeah, cheers :) in the shops are they called CFL's? or are they just the funny shaped 'low energy' bulbs?
  5. Carnabos

    My simple set up.

    oh no! the cardboard has gone mouldy. i just took it out, the bottom was all filled with mould, but it's fine, thanks for putting the attention on that so i noticed! haha
  6. Carnabos

    My simple set up.

    I'm pretty sure my neighbour grows aswell, as my room often smells of pungent bud.
  7. Carnabos

    My simple set up.

    Thanks everyone, is there anything i can do to make it .. grow quicker? and i'll cut the cardboard tube. :)
  8. Carnabos

    Is this plant food suitable?

    alright, thank you :)
  9. Carnabos

    Is this plant food suitable?

    anyone? ?
  10. Carnabos

    Is this plant food suitable?

    To see my plant click my journal in my signature. basically, here are the ingredients. Nitrogen 10.6% Phosphorous Pentoxide 4.4% Potassium Oxide 3% 'baby bio' thanks,
  11. Carnabos

    My simple set up.

    there you go, and thanks! :)
  12. Carnabos

    My simple set up.

    Okay, cheers :) i'll change it to wrapping paper, and is the microchip bulb halogen then? thanks :) oh and, it's a juicy jay rips tube, because it got floppy from me messing it up, basically. but i'm just keeping it there now to be safe.
  13. Carnabos

    My simple set up.

    It's a ikea bulb, with a microchip in it, so whatever that is, it's that, and about 4 inches. and i should be getting some commercial plant food today. cheers :)
  14. Carnabos

    Unknown Strain - Started 07/04/10

    I don't know? And i'm using the duller side which aparently is better, and the lamps not really bright enough to burn my plant, and it doesn't seem to be burnt. thanks, + i'm taking out the cardboard tube, it's gone mouldy.
  15. Carnabos

    Unknown Strain - Started 07/04/10

    Any feedback?
  16. Carnabos

    My simple set up.

    any suggestions..?
  17. Carnabos

    Your Stoner Lingo

    Names for Cannabis: Bud, Booda, Weed. Names for Getting high: Get lean, stoned, mashup, monged.
  18. Carnabos

    Unknown Strain - Started 07/04/10

    7th of April 2010. I started to germinate the seeds in cotton wool, slightly damp. 10th of April 2010 Two of the seeds sprouted, and i left them for a bit to sprout more, and for the others to crack and sprout too. 15th of April Two seeds still only sprouted, but now have been planted...
  19. Carnabos

    My simple set up.

    As i can't find a job at the moment, i'm just using a cheap set up to grow my plant until it needs a 150 watt light, and a bit more attention, but this is it now:
  20. Carnabos

    Some of my Photos

    The 5th shot is pretty amazing, i really like how to capture your image as if you were part of it to begin with.