Some of my Photos


Well-Known Member
:hump: theres quite a few im putting up. let me know what u think please :peace:



Well-Known Member
I gotcha buddy.

the 3rd shot is fantastic man! What is that light (white not red) coming at the camera?
great composition and leading lines. man, the colors pop at night don't they.
how long was your exposure? what camera do you use?

-really like shot 15 of the cat outside on the cement wall. that is a well put together shot. way to go.
the first image is nice to.

my biggest critique would be that many of your images are not level. The horizon lines are not straight. This is a huge no no unless you do it intentionally, and then it has to look intentional. Yours look like minor overlooked details that should be carefully thought about before releasing the shutter.

some nice work in there bud.


Well-Known Member
thanks =]

the white lights are the streetlights. i exposed somewhere from 15-18 seconds(dont remember the exact shot). at about a second before finishing, i zoomed in and out, in random ways really.
I use a pentax k1000

yeah ive noticed some shots are a little crooked. guess ive been smoking too much


The 5th shot is pretty amazing, i really like how to capture your image as if you were part of it to begin with.