Unknown Strain - Started 07/04/10


7th of April 2010.

I started to germinate the seeds in cotton wool, slightly damp.

10th of April 2010

Two of the seeds sprouted, and i left them for a bit to sprout more, and for the others to crack and sprout too.

15th of April

Two seeds still only sprouted, but now have been planted into small pots to grow in the sunlight on my windowsill, watered when i think needed. Thank god the weathers good.

They are in some old soil, being watered with tap water with nothing else but that.

17th of April 2010

One of the plants died, i'm not sure why, it just did, but the other one 'Charlotte' or 'Char' is still growing strong, and should be ready to be repotted soon.

I've also been told that my friend, who has an acre long garden, can babysit my plant whilst it's budding, so that's that.

22nd of April 2010

Parents asked what i was growing today, i told them i'd tell them once i'd got back from going out, when i got back they didn't mention anything of it, so it's fine. Just so you know, i was going to say it's salvia, and my mothers boyfriend of 3 years is a boyfriend, who knows i smoke weed.

I've now used the cardboard roll from some 'Juicy Jay Rips' to hold up my plant, as it seems to be weak.

25th of April 2010

Babysitter is properly sorted out now, and i've decided i'm going to repot and sort out a lamp and tin foil soon, as Char's looking increasingly weak.

26th of April 2010

I repotted Char into a shot glass and started to germinate another seed. *seed didn't germinate*

I Then realised that was a big mistake.

29th of April 2010

I've now repotted the plant into a proper pot, and with some new fresh, moist compost, it looks so much healthier, despite the weakness and floppyness, it's not as tall as it would be completely straight.

1st of May 2010

I've properly sorted out the tin foil now, and it's taller and stronger, visibly forming some new 'rigid' leaves, it's looking good and the lamp over it (11w) is pretty much always on, giving it some breaks when i feel she needs them.

Thanks for reading, feedback would really be appreciated.

Carnabos, :leaf:


Active Member
why do u have 2 threads asking the same thing?
dont use foil. it will leave heat spots.
that plant looks young to have burn spots


I don't know?

And i'm using the duller side which aparently is better, and the lamps not really bright enough to burn my plant, and it doesn't seem to be burnt.


+ i'm taking out the cardboard tube, it's gone mouldy.