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  1. 420tipzzy

    Slow Growth Two Month Old Plant

    haha popcorn buds, reminds me of a strain back in dallas they called it popcorn due to the fact that it was midgradies and look just like popcorn, and how many cfl lights you suggest?, hey im really interested on those seeds man , how long max did it take to grow?
  2. 420tipzzy

    Slow Growth Two Month Old Plant

    why bummer? i uploaded my pics from phone he just gots to connect it look for them and upload, or just connect your phone to ur pc save them in a new folder , and here on the reply box click insert image and goto that folder and click them
  3. 420tipzzy

    Slow Growth Two Month Old Plant

    well if you going to post them here on this thread then just on the bottom where the reply box is at click insert image , connect your phone via usb and if it appears then itl show up as phone card click on that goto your image folder look for the image select it one by one then after that the...
  4. 420tipzzy

    Slow Growth Two Month Old Plant

    good info on that thread man
  5. 420tipzzy

    Slow Growth Two Month Old Plant

    haha, yea i know thats a shiity pic , just that my other phone broke and that camera was perfect. but i did follow your advice and the stem dint even broke just tied it down halfway and left it like that over night , next thing you know im leaving for work and decided to take a last look at the...
  6. 420tipzzy

    Slow Growth Two Month Old Plant

    lol yea same with me, but like i said to early for that soil but hey you might be on to something , just try to fertilize nomore just give it its water every 3-4 days when you feel the pot light and the soil crusty . but you should post some pictures see how its doing bro
  7. 420tipzzy

    Slow Growth Two Month Old Plant

    sticky i did what you said i topped it left a Y shape dont know if its goin to work andd i tied it down heres the results-you cant really tell where i tied it down half way on the plant, and i topped it on the last node right? explain
  8. 420tipzzy

    Slow Growth Two Month Old Plant

    mr high. i wouldnt use that soil just yet just use some soil that dont got nutrients in it. from what i know you have to wait till it gets to its 8 set if leaves so you can fertlize it, i might be wrong though, just wait man , also depends on where you have it outside or inside, its too late to...
  9. 420tipzzy

    Slow Growth Two Month Old Plant

    i had it in sams choice soil but that soil dint seem to work for it, and ever since i switched it to mg potting mix it has seem to gotten greenier, and has grown alittle faster then before . on the ohter soil it took about a week to fully grow a node but with this less then a week, and from...
  10. 420tipzzy

    Slow Growth Two Month Old Plant

    hahaha Might Aswell Just Break The Dam Thing So You Can Send Me Those Seeds. Haha. jk But Im About To Do That Right Now, Um About The Grow room, That Really The only Space I Got Other Then Making One (Im a Good Ass Carpenter) Out Of wood, Whe You Mean Flowering It Can You Specify That, i Thought...
  11. 420tipzzy

    Slow Growth Two Month Old Plant

    the soil is miracle grow potting mix moister control, the strain is just some good quality mexican weed,due to the fact that i now live in mexico due to work , Dam Company. , cant say a specific straing . the bottom leaves the ones that have only 3 i took them off because they turn real yellow...
  12. 420tipzzy

    Slow Growth Two Month Old Plant

    And The Stem Seems Like Its Really Hard.But Thinn. heres another view
  13. 420tipzzy

    Slow Growth Two Month Old Plant

    Well Flowering it Dont See That happening yet its To Small About 8 inches High. And Well i Might Tie It Down But Dont Want The Stem To Break, I would Follow That Advice But Like I Said It My First Grow Dont Want To Fucck It All up, So From The images Where do You Suggest I Tie It Down? Btw...
  14. 420tipzzy

    Slow Growth Two Month Old Plant

    So I Planted This baby in Mid July , And Its Just Not Growing Fast, I Think, But To Be Real Its Some Good Quality Mexican Weed, I Just Decided To Planted Out Of The Nowhere And Let It Do its Job today Makes it Two Months Since I Planted It,I Recentley Put It Inside In A Small Box With 3 Cfl...
  15. 420tipzzy

    Mixing Different Soil From Different Places?!. Expirament

    Hahahaha , funny But I Wont Be Crossing the Border Till Late November Of Next year And Well I Got A Condo Here So Im GOin To Plant Those Babies Here, Dont Want Border Patrol Telling Me Why D'f I Have Soil.? But Do Yall Think It'll Work out, Im A More OrganicType Guy Dont Like Those Commercial Soils
  16. 420tipzzy

    Texas Outdoor growing HELP

    Depends On The strain, if you have Some Kush Then Id Say Early April, or Those Mid-gradies(Popcorn, They Sell That In Dallas) Then Id Say Mid-March . I Usto Live In Dalls grew Some Kush During Spring And I Harvested Late Summer. And Grew That Corn I sAid , And That Fucker Just Grew Slow, So Id...
  17. 420tipzzy

    Mixing Different Soil From Different Places?!. Expirament

    So My Thought Was What If i Mix soil(from the Ground) From a Mountain area , With Some With Some Soil From Another State, So On And So Forth . I Live in Mexico And i Travel Alot Around The Country Due To Work. And Well For Next Season i Want To Try To Mix This types Of Dirts And just See What...
  18. 420tipzzy

    Mid-july Planting Help.!

    Shit I Live In The Mid-Part Of Mexico, I Just Recently Put Her In A 12/12 Cycle, Seems Like its Growing Slow It Only Has 6Sets Of True Leaves , What im worried About Is That When The Colder Days Get Here Then Wont Grow Fast Enough.Heres The Climate Too in This Link...
  19. 420tipzzy

    Many cartel grows in the woods behind us!

    This Forum Was Fucking interesting Big Commotions...
  20. 420tipzzy

    What do you guys think I will yield

    id Say 5 Pounds 7 If Your Lucky.