Mixing Different Soil From Different Places?!. Expirament


So My Thought Was What If i Mix soil(from the Ground) From a Mountain area , With Some With Some Soil From Another State, So On And So Forth . I Live in Mexico And i Travel Alot Around The Country Due To Work. And Well For Next Season i Want To Try To Mix This types Of Dirts And just See What Happends. Has anyone Tried It ? or Something Like It. It Would be Nice To know before Hand. thank to you All


Well-Known Member
Worth a try, you never know.... You might be on to something, but I think you may get some questions, and definitely funny looks carrying around jars of dirt through the airport......... IDK what kind of regs. Homeland Security has on plain ol' dirt LOL


Hahahaha , funny But I Wont Be Crossing the Border Till Late November Of Next year And Well I Got A Condo Here So Im GOin To Plant Those Babies Here, Dont Want Border Patrol Telling Me Why D'f I Have Soil.? But Do Yall Think It'll Work out, Im A More OrganicType Guy Dont Like Those Commercial Soils