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  1. Lighterfighter

    DIY COB reflectors

    lol wanted to help rerail the convo.
  2. Lighterfighter

    DIY COB reflectors

    for now ;D lol it would be really cool if someone had a 3d printer, then we could really cut into some design elements. the xw is totally doable on a 3d printer. thats way more then a light meter tho lol. Nice shout out on the diy light meter. btw.
  3. Lighterfighter

    DIY COB reflectors

    once I get things built, I am going to look into a umol meter. compared to the angelina xw those reflectors are nothing. and the outside looks like a disco ball. super cheap R and D. Actually I just went to amazon and there are some cheap par meters. Not bad for R and D costs at all. I worked in...
  4. Lighterfighter

    DIY COB reflectors

    BTW! The whole magnet idea, thats old school gold!
  5. Lighterfighter

    DIY COB reflectors

    topic officially de-railed lol. I have done a mix of both yes. YOu said at one point no less then 200umols. on a vid of you new light. That i recall of the top of my head. this thread was about reflectors and their efficiency at one point lol. didnt see a in detail chart, thats what I was asking...
  6. Lighterfighter

    DIY COB reflectors

    idk what you mean commercial guy, but I have been around a long time man. I just didnt get involved till recently for this purpose. I am building a light and was talked out of buying a commercial light by a few others here, including the guy who i was tiff'ing w just now. so they are very right...
  7. Lighterfighter

    DIY COB reflectors

    I could go through and quote where you groups mine and Aquariuses statements together and just bitch because we are trying to understand or gave a lil bad advice. but thats a waste of time. Nothing constructive at all. IF I could delete the account I would have. To the fact that he HAD had to...
  8. Lighterfighter

    DIY COB reflectors

    I am deleting my account due to greenes bs, I was hoping to contribute, but Being harrased by somone for no apparent reason other then I am new is bs and the reason you will lack results and essentially community, those of us who cared to get involved get happy for help and want to give bac. you...
  9. Lighterfighter

    DIY COB reflectors

    @Greengenes707 if yall organized data better and didnt flame the forum noobs or people with questions who want to read would have a single resource instead of 10k plus worth of pages. u read and gunk up daily w bs like this. Ignorance is resolvable, stupidity is forever. ps u never posted the...
  10. Lighterfighter

    DIY Stealth closest grow box.

    Hey man I saw your post I am getting all my shit together for an led build here if you want a nice cool light with a wide spread. here is best cxa3070 they may be more effcient then the veros. but really man this comes out in 2 weeks. CXB3590-0000-000R0HCB30G-ND...
  11. Lighterfighter

    DIY COB reflectors

    @Greengenes707 I didnt put any words in your mouth, and i was just trying to get clear info, not argue. ill just dropp of the threads now since trying to ask questions and understand results ends in hostility lol. you should understand if newbs didnt talk theyd never learn. and if you state...
  12. Lighterfighter

    DIY COB reflectors

    do you got umol comp on just straight cob vs diffused vs lens? I do understand how diffusion causes more of a glow and less of a direct beam( eg cause more sureface area at less lumens? or just straight more even distribution? I have difusers on my led gloves lol.they also take away alot from...
  13. Lighterfighter

    DIY COB reflectors

    this sounds like the barebuild verticle grow vs. hood growing debate lol. ps i Just took the glass off my mars 2, it is brighter. Glass is def not a lens lol. I dont agree w the whole diffuser situation. I think it inversely, Diffused tarp over greenhouses prevent rays or gasses from escaping...
  14. Lighterfighter

    DIY COB reflectors

    I got bored so this is an example of how reflectors help. Now its terable, but funny lol. As you see the red lines are without reflector. The distance is so much farther. meaning depreciation in lumens.
  15. Lighterfighter

    DIY COB reflectors

    I am starting to get the feeling that I am ganan have to produce something to document my build and results. I am getting the gear the 16, I just flipped my veggies to 12/12 under my mars 2 yesterday. This means that right as the stretch finished, Ill be able to pop up the new light and compare...
  16. Lighterfighter

    DIY COB reflectors

    well, no worries, I can jimmy rig somthing up. I am def ganan buy some lenses. Ill wait till I get the cob up and iIl measure the dimensions and start making calls to king brite and some others to find one thatll fit :D
  17. Lighterfighter

    DIY COB reflectors

    @AquariusPanta any recommendation on lenseS? I am almost following that model. cxa3950 (well cxb, but same size) 1050 instead of 700 mA mw driver. I want the extra lumens.
  18. Lighterfighter

    DIY COB reflectors

    Imo, There is a reason that light companies offer a series of products instead of one for all needs lol. each situation has many solutions but generally a few are best fit. Ill use the two posited situations to find when lenses and reflectors are most relevant. Keep in mind most led start with a...
  19. Lighterfighter

    DiY LEDs - How to Power Them

    ya for sure, supra hit the head on the nail. The point I was trying to make was that your plan may be over kill lol. or do like 4 cxa3070ab at lower amprage for coverage. last option would be wait for cxbs to come out in a month. if u make a thread and layout your thoughts. there are some nice...
  20. Lighterfighter

    DiY LEDs - How to Power Them

    @rolledupdriver is it for flower or veg? 3 is alot for veg in that space id say. I almost would venture to say you cant over due flower, but you can def over due veg.